Interpreter Services and the Diversity Council at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center will offer the following classes:
The Refugee’s Journey: Implications for Care
Participants will learn: the difference between a refugee and an immigrant; the demographics of refugees around Ohio, the nation and the world; the steps of a refugee’s journey; the role of the resettlement agency; community resources. This course will be presented by Nadia Kasvin, MA, co-founder and co-director at US Together resettlement agency.
June 22, 2017 at 1pm-3pm
Basic Communication Needs of the Deaf Patient
Participants will learn about: deaf culture and its impact on communication in the medical setting; the deaf community in central Ohio; the use of American Sign Language (ASL) and its impact on conveying information; and the best use of ASL interpreter services in the clinical setting. This course will be presented by Michelle McCullough, BA Psychology, teacher/mentor for ASL practicum program with Columbus State, ASL staff interpreter at OSUWMC; and Scott Lissner, MA Counseling, ADA coordinator for The Ohio State University.
March 7 at 9am-11am
June 28 at 10am-12pm
Caring for Our Hispanic Latino Patients — Sponsored by Hispanic Latino Network
Participants will learn about: issues impacting the health care of Hispanic-Latino patients; resources available for interpreter services; and healthcare issues among the Hispanic-Latino population that impact care delivery. This course will be presented by Alejandro Diez, MD, assistant professor-clinical in the Division of Nephrology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, or Glenn Martinez, PhD, chair of the College of Spanish and Portuguese at The Ohio State University.
April 17 at 12pm-1pm
July 10 at 12pm-1pm
Survivors of Torture and Trauma
Nadia Kasvin, MA, co-founder and co-director at US Together Resettlement Agency, will present. Participants will increase their awareness about torture, gain information that will help them identify torture survivors, learn appropriate techniques to work with torture survivors, and learn to identify the physical and psychological consequences of torture.
January 31, 2017 at 9am-11am
For more information or to register contact