Buckeyethon 2020

For the 2019-2020 academic year, I participated in an amazing charity even called Buckeyethon. OSU works with Nationwide Children’s hospital to raise money and support children with pediatric cancer. The money goes to the Hematology/Oncology/BMT department for expenses such as wheelchairs, therapists, and hospital visits. Teams spend all year fundraising for the big dance in February, then we all gather for 12 hours of dancing, fundraising, and fun alongside the strongest kids out there.

As a part of the Dunn Sport and Wellness team, we raised over $37,000 this year. I was able to meet a few of the families impacted by pediatric cancer, and I learned so much about strength and endurance in such a short amount of time. Standing for 12 hours and engaging with such strong people has impacted me greatly, and I will continue to support Buckeyethon and these kids throughout all of my years at OSU. For more information on Buckeyethon, visit https://buckeyethon.osu.edu/ .


Choose Ohio First Scholar

Choose Ohio First Scholarship | Career Services | Wright State ...

Before the start of my first semester at OSU, I was asked to be a part of the Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program. COF is a state funded scholarship program that hopes to promote students working towards STEMM industries. I was fortunate enough to be chosen, and since then I have been engaged in STEM networking opportunities, volunteer, and mentorship programs that encourage my academics along the way. Each semester we engage in outreach opportunities, 45 hours of STEMM related service, and mentorship meetings. For more information on the COF program, visit https://www.ohiohighered.org/cof .

Dunn Sport and Wellness Scholar

Along with applying for admission into The Ohio State University, I applied to the university’s Honors and Scholars program. Once admitted, I chose to be a part of the Dunn Sport and Wellness Scholars. The Dunn Sport and Wellness Scholars aim to create well-rounded leaders by involving each scholar in a multitude of wellness workshops, networking events, and leadership programs. For more information about the program, check out https://honors-scholars.osu.edu/scholars/programs/sws .

Each semester we engage in weekly professional development meetings, 10 hours of service, and various involvement opportunities such as wellness workshops, intramural sports, and mentorship meetings with our peers. This scholars program has provided me with many opportunities, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of it.

In my second year, I became the volunteer coordinator for our scholars; I organized methods of volunteer throughout the fall and spring semester so that members could reach their 10 hour volunteer requirement. COVID-19 created many obstacles for volunteering, but I was able to create options virtually so the program could practice social distancing. One of these events included hand-made cards for healthcare workers and nursing home patients to encourage them through the difficult times.

As a result of all of my hard work during my two years in this program, I received the J. Michael Dunn Distinguished Sport and Wellness Scholar Award. This award is given to one student who exemplifies Michael Dunn’s mission to promote academic success along with maintaining wellness in everyday life. My peers chose me to receive this award, and I am beyond grateful to be carrying on the legacy of our program’s founder.