Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from This Week (Vol. 10)

Here are the ten links I learned from this week:

  1. College Freshmen Are More Politically Engaged Than They Have Been in Decades (FiveThirtyEight)
  2. Why People Cheat (The Washington Post)
  3. The White House’s new $1.8 billion plan to fight the Zika virus, explained (Vox)
  4. Women also Know Stuff
    1. Further Reading: Q&A with Founder of Women Also Know Stuff (Midwest Political Science Association)
  5. A Major Blow to Obama’s Climate-Change Plan (The Atlantic)
  6. Department of Justice Sues Ferguson, Which Reversed Course on Agreement (The New York Times)
  7. With second-place finish, Kasich is thrust into relevance (The Washington Post)
    1. Further Reading: New Hampshire primary results: John Kasich takes 2nd (Vox)
  8. Why Marco Rubio’s glitch was the rare gaffe that will matter (Vox)
  9. Obama to propose a $10-a-barrel oil tax (Politico)
  10. The End of the Oregon Standoff (The Atlantic)
  11. Bonus: The Black Establishment Chooses Clinton (FiveThirtyEight)
America Has The Right Type of Mosquito for the Zika Virus – Yale Epidemiologist" by Day Donaldson (CC BY 2.0)

America Has The Right Type of Mosquito for the Zika Virus – Yale Epidemiologist” by Day Donaldson (CC BY 2.0)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned From This Week (Vol. 9)

Here are the ten links I learned from this week. For more on the 2016 presidential election, see here.

  1. Hard to say: A statement at the heart of the debate over academic freedom (The Economist)
  2. How Ted Cruz used good political science to design a disastrous mailer (Vox)
  3. Gender and Emotions on the Campaign Trail (Midwest Political Science Association)
  4. Obama’s Controversial Higher-Ed Legacy (The Atlantic)
  5. Six Degrees of Separation? Facebook Finds a Smaller Number (The New York Times)
  6. Americans want limits on their presidents – even the ones they voted for (Vox)
  7. Why are Americans so angry? (BBC News)
  8. Who killed the death penalty? (The Economist)
    1. Further Reading: A Record Number of Exonerations in the U.S. (The Atlantic)
  9. One party has decided. The other hasn’t. (Vox)
  10. Understanding the U.S. Primaries (The Everygirl)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned From This Week (Vol. 8)

Here are ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

And just for fun – here is Mike Huckabee’s parody of “Hello” by Adele.

"Iowa Caucus - Illustration" by DonkeyHotey (CC BY 2.0)

“Iowa Caucus – Illustration” by DonkeyHotey (CC BY 2.0)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned From This Week (Vol. 7)

Here are ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

"Trump and Palin at ISU - 1/19/2016" by Alex Hanson (CC BY 2.0)

“Trump and Palin at ISU – 1/19/2016” by Alex Hanson (CC BY 2.0)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 6)

After a (not so) brief hiatus from posting regularly on this site, I will once again be posting a collection of ten articles that I learned from every Friday. This season in American politics is just too important to not engage with it regularly.

Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

  1. The Oregon standoff is far bigger than a group of armed men in a refuge (The Washington Post)
    1. Further Reading: It’s not just the Oregon militia: Why many Westerners get angry about federal land rights (Vox)
  2. A science-backed New Year’s resolution to help fix American politics (Vox)
  3. The transcript of President Obama’s final State of the Union: What he said, and what it meant (The Washington Post)
  4. Presidential debate schedule, 2016 (Vox)
  5. Video: Inside the Georgia Town Where Guns are the Law (The Atlantic)
  6. President Obama’s boldest action on guns yet, explained (Vox)
    1. Further Reading: Gun Control Around the World: A Primer (The Atlantic)
  7. Is Hillary Clinton “likable enough”? Science has an answer. (Vox)
  8. Economists savage Trump’s economic agenda (Politico)
  9. Bernie Sanders has a bold, simple idea for improving public education (Vox)
  10. The Supreme Court’s ruling against the Florida death penalty system, explained (Vox)

What would you like to see on this site in advance of the 2016 Presidential Election? Comment below.

Continue reading Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 6)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 5)

Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

  1. Why the most informed voters are often the most badly mislead (Vox)
  2. Why social sciences are just as important as STEM disciplines (The Washington Post)
  3. Supreme Court sides with Obama administration in Jerusalem passport case (Politico)
  4. America is Sliding into Open-Ended Conflict in Iraq (The Atlantic)
  5. Behind the Jeb Bush campaign shake-up (Politico)
  6. How the next few weeks could determine the fate of Obama’s legacy (The Washington Post)
  7. Trouble looms for Mitch McConnell’s Senate (Politico)
  8. Is the push for a $15-an-hour minimum wage a good idea? (Vox)
  9. The Myths of 2016 (Politico Magazine)
  10. One year ago, Islamic State stepped into the global spotlight. Here’s what has happened since. (The Washington Post)


Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 4)

Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

  1. The Fix’s 40 Most Interesting Women in Politics (The Washington Post)
  2. ‘It’s Barack. Really!’ (Politico)
  3. Multiple male legislators refuse to be alone with female staffers. That’s a big problem. (Vox)
  4. Rand Paul girds for battle on NSA (Politico)
    1. Update: Rand Paul speaks 11 hours against Patriot Act renewal (The Washington Post)
  5. Hillary Clinton personally took money from companies that sought to influence her (Vox)
  6. Why Presidential Candidate Debate (Politico)
  7. Bernie Sanders’s plan to have Wall Street pay for your college tuition, explained (Vox)
  8. Why Congress Can’t Solve America’s Infrastructure Crisis (The Atlantic)
  9. Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white (Vox)
  10. The Silicon Tower (Slate)

I’ll be out of town the next few weeks, and will not post again until June 14thContinue reading Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 4)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 3)

Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

  1. Senate Democrats Relent on Trade (The Atlantic)
  2. Here’s how the GOP candidates are answering “Would you have invaded Iraq?” (Vox)
  3. What’s the Point of a Professor? (The New York Times)
  4. Burundi President Nkurunziza faces attempted coup (BBC News)
  5. Black Girls Should Matter, Too (The Atlantic)
  6. New York’s emergency crackdown on abuses at nail salons, explained (Vox)
  7. Home Economics: The Link Between Work-Life Balance and Income Equality (The Atlantic)
  8. Why Nepal is Still Being Hit by Earthquakes (Time Magazine)
  9. Progressive favorite Russ Feingold is running for the Senate seat he lost in 2010 (Vox)
  10. The Bitter Backdrop to 2016 (The New York Times)

Continue reading Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 3)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 2)

It’s time for the second installment of the Informed Weekend series. Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:

  1. The next president will have a huge impact on climate policy – even without Congress (Vox)
  2. Facebook Study Disputes Theory of Political Polarization Among Users (The New York Times)
    1. Related: Users are Main Filters of Political Content on Facebook (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
  3. No, Chris Cuomo, the Constitution doesn’t let the government ban hate speech (Vox)
  4. The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet (The Atlantic)
  5. U. S. Split Along Racial Lines on Backlash Against Police, Poll Finds (The Wall Street Journal)
  6. The Audacity of Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina (The Atlantic)
  7. The GOP presidential field is unusually diverse. But the party’s agenda isn’t (The Washington Post)
  8. Hillary just took a stunningly aggressive stance on immigration reform (Vox)
  9. How ‘Negative Partisanship’ Has Transformed American Politics (New York Magazine)
  10. Student Loan Facts They Wish They Had Known (The New York Times)

Continue reading Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 2)

Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 1)

I read many articles each week that I learn from and want to share with others. Thus, I have decided to try out a new weekly series. This series will consist of posting links to approximately ten articles that I read and found interesting each week.

Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week: 

Continue reading Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned from this Week (Vol. 1)