As I was contemplating my participation I spent a week reading and re-reading the project description wondering, “but what would we be doing?” So I was thrilled to receive more information on our liaison, a Peruvian anthropologist and PhD candidate named Cynthia who will be connecting us with local women’s organizations and leading the collaboration.
Her initiative (and blog) is called the KillaWarmi Project:
“Thus, Killa Warmi (Moon Woman in Quechua, Andean native language) Project was created for Andean women and girls of Peru. It is a reproductive health education project aimed to bring reproductive control back to women, focused in the reconnection with the sacredness of women’s bodies, the wisdom and knowledge we have as women of our bodies and processes – just by living in them and being connected to our cycles – , the revaluing of our connection to Mother Earth as women, and the strengthening of local feminine support networks.” Continue reading