Registering for 4-H Using 4-H Online

As we begin the new 4-H year, families are wanting to get the jump on enrolling in 4-H for the year.  For this year only, we will not be enrolling thru 4-H Online until the middle of November due to 4-H Online coming out with a new version.  The new version will be more user friendly.  Stay tuned for more information and tutorials on how to enroll in 4-H.

Paulding County Junior Fairboard Extended Application Deadline

The Paulding County Junior Fairboard has announced that they are extending their deadline for applications to join the Paulding County Junior Fairboard.  The application can be found by clicking on the link below.  To join, members must be in good standing with a youth organization in Paulding County and be a high school student.  Applications are due no later than November 6th and can be completed and e-mailed to Michael or sent to the address on the application.

2020-2021 Paulding County Junior Fairboard Application

2021 Project Changes

Ohio 4-H has announced the changes to the project line-up for 2021.  Below are the list of changes to the projects we currently have.  Projects that are not listed here have no changes from last year.  For questions regarding these new, revised/replaced, or discontinued projects, please contact Michael.  If you were planning on completing one of the discontinued projects for the year, we can work on making the project a self-determined project for 2021.

2021 Summary of Ohio 4-H Publication Changes

Code Title (Skill Level) Availability and Notes
354 Medicine Science and Safety (I) November 2020
355 Tracking Your Health and Fitness (I) January 2021
365.00 Amateur Radio Idea Starter (X) January 2021
365.04 Get Started with Composting Idea Starter (X) January 2021
365.04 Paddle Water Sports Idea Starter (X) January 2021
387 Here, There, Ag Careers Are Everywhere (A) November 2020
613 Exploring Polar Science (I) January 2021 (The original title, Explore the Poles, has been changed.)
673 Edible Landscapes (I) December 2020
179R Uniform Rules for 4-H Horse Shows (X) November 2020, discard old inventory
412 Sew for Others (I) October 2020, discard old inventory
584 Photography Basics, Book 1 (B) October 2020; replaces Focus on Photography, Level 1; discard old inventory; new price = $11
585 Next Level Photography, Book 2 (I) October 2020; replaces Controlling the Image, Level 2; discard old inventory; new price = $11
586 Mastering Photography, Book 3 (A) October 2020; replaces Mastering Photography, Level 3; discard old inventory; new price = $11
752 Shotgun Member Record Book (X) December 2020, previous editions do not have to be discarded but are acceptable through this program year only
755 Muzzleloader Member Record Book (I, A) December 2020, previous editions do not have to be discarded but are acceptable through this program year only
756 Living History Member Record Book (X) December 2020, previous editions do not have to be discarded but are acceptable through this program year only
365.09 Canoeing Idea Starter (X) Content covered by 365.04 Paddle Water Sports
504 Electric Radio-Controlled Vehicles Low enrollment
430 Shopping Savvy Content has not changed but the book has a brand new look; copies of previous versions need not be discarded
365.XX Complete collection of idea starters

(Individual project numbers for all idea starters are being dropped.)

Instead, youth enroll in one of these broader topic areas: 365.00 General; 365.01 Companion Animal; 365.02 Creative Arts; 365.03 Family Life; 365.04 Natural Resources; 365.05 Quilt; or 365.06 Workforce Preparation. See Family Guide and for more information.
Prices for publications printed in the last year might need to be adjusted at the start of the new program year due to different printing costs. These changes are included in the Family Guide and on the Advisor Order Form.
117R Beef Resource Handbook From $16 to $17.75
127R Dairy Resource Handbook From $15 to $16
215R Cavy Resource Handbook: A 4-H Guide to Guinea Pigs From $12 to $13
220R Pocket Pets Resource Handbook From $12 to $13
228R Rabbit Resource Handbook for Breeding, Market, and Pet Rabbit Projects From $10.50 to $11
501GPM Rockets Away Teacher Guide From $13.50 to $14
710GPM The Big Book of 4-H Cloverbud Activities From $13.25 to $16
712GPM Connect to College From $14 to $16
X = A project appropriate for all skill and age levels

B = A beginning-level project for members with no experience in a project area, or 8 to 10 year olds

I = An intermediate-level project for members with some experience in a project area, or 11 to 13 year olds

A = An advanced-level project for members experienced in a project area, or 14 or older

Meetings starting for 2020-2021 4-H Year

All 4-H Clubs in Paulding County will be starting to hold their 4-H meetings for the new year within the next month.  If you have not heard information from your advisors, please check in with them to be sure you do not miss your meetings.

In order to have our in-person 4-H meetings to start the year, we have some policies that are in place.  These include everyone wearing masks (not an option), no more than 50 people in attendance at a meeting, no refreshments that are shared within the club, and ZOOM will be an option for any family that does not feel comfortable participating in-person.  If the Paulding County Health Department determines that in-person gatherings need to be limited, Paulding County turns red on the state COVID-19 map, or Ohio State University limits in-person programming, we will return to ZOOM for our meetings.

I know that wearing masks is a controversial issue in Paulding County.  It is up to us to do our part to continue to be in-person for meetings.  The end of the 4-H Pledge states “for my club, my community, my country, and my world”.  If masks are able to keep one person safe from COVID, we should be doing it.  If you have questions about wearing masks, the policy that we are required to follow, or our protocols for in-person 4-H meetings, please contact Michael to discuss further.

Ohio 4-H Project Central

Project Central is an easy way for 4-H members and project helpers to preview Ohio 4-H project books and resources. Take a closer look at a book, find out what others have to say, and share your experiences.  To take a closer look at a book you are interested in, all you have to do is click on the picture of the book and it will give you a preview of what the project has to offer.  If you have not used this resource to browse for your next project, I highly encourage you to do so.  This is a great resource that is not used as much as it should be.  To visit Ohio 4-H Project Central, visit:

2021 Ohio 4-H Family Guide

The 2021 Ohio 4-H Family Guide has been released for the new 4-H year.  This updated book lists all of the projects that 4-H youth in grades 3-12 (ages 8-19) are eligible to complete.  The link below will take you to the Ohio 4-H Family Guide where you will be able to choose your next project.

Link to Ohio 4-H Family Guide:

Link to Flip Book Family Guide:

4-H App – We Now Have One

Have you downloaded our new app?  If not, why?  This is a great resource that has everything you will need in one place.  Please take a minute now and download this new resource to keep updated on all things 4-H and Paulding County Extension related.  Click on the link below to download the app today!  While you are thinking about it, share this info with everyone you know.  Our app has something for everyone.

To download for Apple products: or search for Paulding County 4-H in iTunes.

To download for Android products: or search for Paulding County 4-H in Google Play.

4-H Club Meeting Attendance Minimum Requirements

Ohio 4-H requires that youth participate in a minimum of 6 hours of 4-H programming per year in order to be considered a 4-H member.  In Paulding County, this equates to a minimum of 4 club meetings per year.  Being in 4-H is a commitment of your time and talents and it is expected that all youth comply with this rule.  Advisors are asked every year to confirm that youth have participated in the minimum number of meetings.  Failure to do this will result in not being able to participate in the Paulding County Junior Fair as a 4-H member.  If you have specific questions regarding this minimum requirement, please contact Michael.

Club Officer Expectations and Training Dates

Being a 4-H Club officer is a very rewarding responsibility that must be taken seriously.  Advisors and fellow 4-H Club members count on the officers to take their role seriously.  For starters, club officers need to participate in the officer training.  The dates for officer training in Paulding County are:

President and Vice President – November 16th from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm via ZOOM

Secretary – November 23rd from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm via ZOOM

Treasurer – November 19th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm via ZOOM

News Reporter – November 19th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm via ZOOM

Health Officer – November 16th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm via ZOOM

Safety Officer – November 23rd from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm via ZOOM

Recreation Officer – November 24th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm via ZOOM

Once training is complete, it is critical that officers create their plan for completing their responsibilities and attend all of the club’s meetings in order to lead the club in the right direction.  The officer team must be willing to meet with the advisors before each club meeting to discuss the topics of the meeting and ensure that all officers are prepared for the meeting.  If you are not able to attend one of the scheduled meetings, contact should be made well in advance with your advisors as well as the other officers of your club so planning for your absence can take place.

The 4-H Officer positions of Secretary and Treasurer have additional responsibilities of keeping accurate records for the 4-H club.  Officer books for these positions are required to be completed and turned in the first week of August every year.  This allows for an informal audit to take place as well as the grading of these officer books.

If you have questions about the officer positions or what is required of them, please contact your club advisor or Michael.  You should have all of your questions about an officer position answered BEFORE your club’s election.  The links below will take you to videos that have been produced that explain the roles of each 4-H Club Officer position.


Vice President:



News Reporter:

Health Officer:

Safety Officer:

Recreation Officer: