Searching and Researching Blog Post

Searching and researching is an important topic especially in because, students are required to write a lot of papers and without good research usually the paper is bad. That being said writing in general is also an important that should be talked about more. I always knew that a thesis is important but I never thought of it as an attention grabber. If you write a really boring thesis statement and an opening the reader will probably not read the rest of the article or blog post or anything that you are writing. It’s important if you are writing a research paper that you represent the a-posing arguments in an honest way. This is really important that you do this because, in order to make the reader believe you is in being honest. If the people reading it see that you are not representing the opposite well that might not believe that you have to say. learned that it’s important to narrow down the topic because, the point of the paper gets lost. If the reader reads the paper is not satisfied it could be that the paper was too broad and nothing specific was said. In conclusion this was a really informative topic and I learned a lot.

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