The Dig – What we are all about!

Victory Gardens originated during World War I, an answer to a severe food shortage at the time. People were encouraged to find any usable space, plop in some seeds and contribute homegrown fruits, vegetables and herbs to the effort. The idea was wildly successful, growing an army of amateur gardeners and serving to boost morale and patriotism.

While we’re not in wartime, we can all commiserate the past few months have been tough, mood-boosters are welcomed. So the Ohio Department of Agriculture and Ohio State University are reviving the effort and once again inspiring people to get their hands dirty, realize the fruits of their labor and share with others if inspired.  We believe a good day in the garden is good for the soul.

So You’ve Decided to Garden….

Welcome Gardeners! Are you here to learn about the Ohio Victory Gardens program, have an interest in gardening or just plain curious about the talk of reviving a U.S tradition? No matter the reason, you are in the right place!

The purpose, of a Victory Garden, is to help in times of need. This could mean providing food or lifting our morale, creating bonds with one another and nature, or just to bring some fun in your life!

Here, folks from all garden walks of life, hope to share with you their insights, tips and ideas based on what they have learned from their successes, mistakes and others. Our hope is that we can help you learn to create a garden of any size in any place.

The seed giveaway through OSU Extension offices will help anyone get started! There is no time like the present to plant a fall garden. The seed packet contains a few different kinds of produce that will grow well this time of year – whether it’s full grown plants or even microgreens!

And if nothing else, we’re hoping gardening can give you a good hearty laugh and bring a little sunshine to your day.  Plants aren’t the only ones who need sunshine and a good environment to thrive.

Keep an eye on our blog, but also dig up our other pages that are full of “how to’s” and tons of resources that will help get your garden to where you want it to be!

Let’s get growing!

Colette Gabriel
Laboratory Scientist
ODA Division of Plant Health