Dirt, seeds, water – is that really all it takes? Yes…and no. That IS what it takes, but there are certainly methods and advice that can help you garden successfully. No worries! So many have done it before you and are ready to share their wins, fails, and ways to do it best.
Planting Resources
Planting A Fall Vegetable Garden
No Garden? No Problem! – Container Gardening Basics
Introduction to Elevated Raised Beds – Part 1
Building an Elevated Raised Bed – Part 2
Adding a Row Cover to Your Raised Bed
Composting Virtual Class Event Recording
Gardening Gear
To Glove or Not to Glove
- Gloves keep your hands clean and dry
- Helps prevent blisters and calluses from forming
- Helps prevent cuts and scrapes while you work, or protect existing cuts and scrapes from infection
- Protects your hands against insect bites or stings protect skin from harmful chemicals like herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.
- Tools can be found at your local farm and hardware stores.
- Tools needed for the job vary, check out our checklists!
Soil Resources
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens
Certified Soil Testing Laboratories in North America