Are you SAFE@Home? launched an online Carmen course (also available for iPad/iPhone on iTunes U) covering home security, personal safety, and fire safety.  The course name is SAFE@Home: Security and Fire Education.  Any student can self-enroll in the Carmen course or join the iTunes U course.

Itunes U Enrollment:

Carmen Instructions:

  • Log-in to Carmen and select the ‘Join Self-Enrollment Courses’ link in the top left corner of the Carmen homepage.
  • Select the ‘JOIN…’ link. The list of courses that you see will be in alphabetical order, scroll down to find SAFE @ Home: Security and Fire Education and select it.
  • Select the ‘Register’ button. Enter your street address and select ‘Submit’. Select ‘Finish’. Select ‘Done’.
  • After your registration is completed, you will then be able to access the SAFE @ Home: Security and Fire Education course from the My Courses widget on your Carmen homepage.

Join the SAFE@Home course on Carmen or iTunesU