Want to win a $10 Chipotle Gift Card!? Participate in the Off Campus Scavenger Hunt!

Off-Campus Scavenger Hunt 

Community Ambassador Coco is throwing a Scavenger Hunt event from March 5th through March 13th, open to all off-campus students! You will be finding out where useful resources, such as legal services, off-campus resources, wellness resources, etc. are located during your scavenger hunt journey.

Follow the instructions below to find all the stations, hand in your checklist at the last station to be entered in a drawing to win one of four $10 Chipotle gift card! In addition, every participant will receive a free Buckeye Block Watch T-shirt. Pick up a check list at our office or print one yourself.


Visit each resource on the check list and accomplish the tasks under each place. For the first 3 resources, you are only required to choose one out of the two options.

If you choose the “Take a picture” option, please show all the pictures you took when you turn in the form at the last station and get a signature from the front desk assistant. Or you can tweet your pictures and hashtag OSU_CA and OffcampusScavenger. For example, #OSU_CA and #OffcampusScavenger


The checklist is only available for picking up and returning at the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement Office, located in Room 3106 in the Ohio Union. The checklist is not provided at other stations. You may print the checklist out by yourself here: off-campus-scavenger-hunt-check-list-final.

You must turn in the list to Room 3106 in the Ohio Union between March 5th-March 13th in order to be entered. Be sure to check the open time of each resource!


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