You see a rectangle that has been made by putting seven congruent rectangles together. The perimeter of the large rectangle is 114 cm. What is its area?
You see a rectangle that has been made by putting seven congruent rectangles together. The perimeter of the large rectangle is 114 cm. What is its area?
Six people who all know each other are in a room. Every two people either like each other or dislike each other. Show that there is a group of three people who either all like each other or all dislike each other.
If 3 h = 10, 7 h = 50, 5 h = 26; and 4 b = 1, 7 b = 2.5, 20 b = 9, then what is n
if n hb = 17.5?
Many years ago a teacher’s salary was based on the number of students he had. Suppose a salary of $60 per month was to be paid for 50 students and $50 a month for 30 students. If the actual enrollment was 45 students, what should the teacher be paid?
Suppose that the functions f(x) and g(x) have the following graphs:
Find the graph which most resembles the graph of |f(x) – g(x)|.
If 4 → 3, 10 → 6, 7 → 4.5, then what is the formula for x → ?
Suppose a linear operation �/� is defined so that:
5 / = 11;
8 / = 17;
12 / = 25.
What is n if n / = 35?
Suppose the operations “#” and “t” are defined so that:
6 # = 20; 2 # = 4; 10 # = 36; and 5 t = 4.5; 10 t = 7; 8 t = 6.
Then what is n if 3 # # t = n?
Buzz has three kite strings averaging 6600 feet in length. None is less than 6200 feet long. How long can the longest be?
The town of Ware has exactly 5000 families. Every family has 0, 1, or 2 pet rocks. Every pet rock belongs to a family. Most families have 1 pet rock. Exactly half of the remaining families have 2 pet rocks. How many pet rocks are there in Ware?