Giant Sum

Add these numbers. They’re too big to fit into your calculator, but you can use a calculator to figure out the answer anyway. Go for it.

123,654,987,864 + 545,454,545,454 + 898,989,545,636 + 252,252,252,252 = what?

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Since we’re looking for a sum, we can rearrange the numbers in various ways:

123,654,987,864 + 545,454,545,454 + 898,989,545,636 + 252,252,252,252 =

(123 + 545 + 898 + 252) · 109 + (654 + 454 +989 + 252) · 106 + (987 + 545 + 545 + 252) · 103 + (864 + 454 + 636 + 252).

Did you get 1,820,351,331,206 as the final answer?

Can you find another way to do the problem?

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