Three men named Barber, Cutler, and Drake have wives named Emily, Ginger, and Louise but not necessarily in that order. Each couple has a son, the names of the boys being Allan, Henry and Victor. Drake is neither Louise’s husband nor Henry’s father. Emily is neither Cutler’s wife nor Allan’s mother. If Allan’s father is either Cutler or Drake, then Louise is Victor’s mother. If Louise is Cutler’s wife, Ginger is not Allan’s mother. What is the name of each man’s wife and son?
Try setting up a matrix with the men in the first column, all three possible wives in each cell in the second column, and all three possible sons listed for each wife in the third column. Then begin eliminating possibilities according to each piece of information given in the problem. You’ll end up with the following solution:
Barber’s wife is Louise and their son is Allan.
Cutler’s wife is Ginger and their son is Henry.
Drake’s wife is Emily and their son is Victor.