Zanesville Farmers’ Market and FoodWorks Alliance Community Survey

An announcement on behalf of the Zanesville Farmers’ Market and FoodWorks Alliance.

The Zanesville Farmers’ Market and FoodWorks Alliance are exploring the possibility of creating a Local Foods Resource Center that would serve Zanesville and Muskingum County.

The goal would be to provide space for a yearlong farmers’ market, a commercial kitchen, and space for training for food related businesses and or organizations.

With support from the Muskingum County Community Foundation, we are taking surveys of the public opinions and potential support for this endeavor. The survey is divided into 3 categories; customers, vendors, and restaurants. Each category contains 10 questions and space for comments.

This survey is not designed for implementing a plan for execution, but instead to gather the public’s view of creating a Local Foods Resource Center. We do not want to compete or duplicate existing services, but instead support coordination of resources.

Survey link:

The surveys will be available starting September 9th and ending on September 28th.

They can be found via Facebook @foodworksalliance, on Instagram @foodworks_alliance, and on our website

To learn more about the partners visit: and


Ohio Apples in 2020: An Interview with Melanie Ivey, OSU Extension Fruit Pathologist

An Interview with Melanie Ivey, OSU Extension Fruit Pathologist, where we talk apples in Ohio and thoughts on how the 2020 season is taking shape. Any feedback about this interview is welcome at this link.

Resources mentioned in this discussion:

Fruit Pathology Laboratory:

OSU Fruit Pathology on Facebook:

Ohio Fruit News:

Fruit Growers Marketing Association:

Ohio Produce Growers and Marketers Association:



Fall Fruit Research Update/Live Q&A

Join us for timely fruit research updates for your farm and garden, and to get your questions answered by experts from The Ohio State University. This FREE, online-only event will feature several video presentations recorded from the OSU South Centers research fields, as well as live question and answer segments. The event will take place from 10-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 using the Zoom meeting platform.


When registering, you can submit questions you would like answered during the event. To register, visit Be sure to include an email address that your monitor regularly, as this will be the method we use to send you the link to join the event.


This event is made possible via funding by a Specialty Crop Block Grant from USDA through Ohio Department of Agriculture and by a Viticulture Extension grant from Ohio Grape Industries Committee.

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Training Webinar

This is a 3-hour educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs. GAPs trainings provide growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on farm best management practices to reduce food safety hazards and the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being GAPs certified. The instructors for this class are Melanie Lewis Ivey, Jaqueline Kowalski and Suzanne Mills-Wasniak.


GAPs Training Webinar
AUG 13, 2020, 6:00PM – 9:00PM

GAPs Training Webinar
AUG 27, 2020, 6:00PM – 9:00PM


Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program Events Page