Current status of electronic ear tags on cattle

Producers shipping certain types of cattle and bison across state lines might have to use electronic identification (EID or RFID) tags if a final rule developed by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) becomes effective.

The new final rule, originally proposed in 2022, will expand the requirements for ear tags used as official identification.  For animals tagged after the rule’s effective date, the ear tags “must be readable both visually and electronically (EID).”

Effective date of the rule.  The EID requirement is not yet effective. The final rule will take effect 180-days after the rule was published in the Federal Register.  USDA published the final rule on May 9, 2024, making the effective date November 5, 2024.

Review the complete article here: New rule and legislation on electronic ear tags for cattle: a continuing battle 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is making its share of headlines in agricultural news. Recent attention focuses on beef and dairy supply chains. Fortunately, fundamental practices like pasteurization and proper cooking temperature eliminate the pathogenic risk to milk and meat and we benefit from a strong and healthy supply chain. However, there is plenty of concern to monitor HPAI and prevent adverse impacts to the industry.  For further reading and updates, here is a list of recent news and links:

Two Program Reminders: Grain Marketing on March 14 and Beef Quality Assurance on March 19


OSU Extension Muskingum County will be hosting Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor and Agricultural Economist.  His areas of expertise include agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, and industrial organization.  Dr. Lee will address grain marketing and economics of on farm storage with considerations for risk and returns for agronomic crops.

Three Rivers Energy LLC, Coshocton, OH and additional industry representatives will be present.

Please RSVP by email at or 740-454-0144

There is no cost for this event, and dinner will be provided.

Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification?

The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer.  The Ohio BQA program is set to meet or exceed the NCBA BQA Guidelines.

Thursday, March 19, 2024

Program starts at 7:00 PM

Location: Muskingum Livestock Auction

No cost, no RSVP needed.

Beef Quality Assurance | OSU Extension BEEF TEAM

Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop – Optimizing Herd Reproduction and Genetics

Reproduction and genetics are important factors for a cow-calf operation. The long-term investment of
genetics plays a critical role in the development and management to ensure longevity within a herd.
Join OSU Extension in Licking County to discuss and demonstrate the practices that you might
apply on your farm to improve your operation with regards to optimizing reproduction and genetics.

Friday, March 8, 2024, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm, Claylick Run Farm 11970 Cross Rd., Newark, OH, 43056

Cost: $10 per person.

RSVP to OSU Extension Licking County at 740-670-5315 by March 4, 2024.

Beef Quality Assurance January 30 at Muskingum Livestock, 7:00 PM

Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification?

The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer.  The Ohio BQA program is set to meet or exceed the NCBA BQA Guidelines.

Two events are scheduled:

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Thursday, March 19, 2024

Program starts at 7:00 PM

Location: Muskingum Livestock Auction

No cost, no RSVP needed.

Winter Beef School Webinars to Focus on Meeting Local Demand

The Ohio State University Extension Beef Team will be hosting its annual winter webinar series in 2024 on the third Thursday of each month, January to April. This year’s series will take a deeper dive into production practices and factors that impact quality and profitability when it comes to producing beef to be marketed directly to consumers.

The session topics and speakers are as follows:

January 18
Genetic Selection: What Matters
Allen Gahler, OSU Extension Sandusky Co.
Planned Calving to Meet Demand
Dean Kreager, OSU Extension Licking Co.

February 15
Feeding to a Harvest Date
Garth Ruff, OSU Extension, Beef Cattle Field Specialist

March 21
Selling Retail vs Wholesale
Yield and Added Value

Lyda Garcia, OSU Extension Fresh Meats Specialist

April 18
Producer Roundtable
What Works, What Doesn’t?

Krysti Morrow – Rocky Knob Farms
Brad Berry – Berry Family Farms
Lindsey Hall – Maplecrest Meats & More
Dale Phillips – Phillips Meats

To wrap up the program in April we are excited to feature a producer roundtable with a variety of experience and varying approaches in marketing beef to local consumers.

Krysti Morrow of Rocky Knob Farms in Morgan County along with husband Levi launched Rocky Knob Meats in 2022. They sell retail cuts and mixed boxes of their beef and lamb to customers across Ohio and the nation. They have shipped grass-fed, grain-finished meats direct to customers’ doorsteps.

Brad Berry of Berry Family Farm in Pleasantville Ohio is a 7th generation farmer. Berry Family farms offers a variety of beef products at farm markets across central Ohio. They offer grass fed beef as well as grain feed beef finished on non-GMO grains.

Lindsey Hall of Maplecrest Farms in Hillsboro. Maplecrest Farms is a family-owned operation with a lifetime of experience breeding Angus cattle. In addition to selling freezer beef (wholes, halves, quarters), in 2021 Maplecrest Meats & More was opened as a retail location selling beef, pork, deli, and grocery items. In 20223 Maplecrest Meats & More became part of Certified Angus Beef® brand’s Ranch to Table program.

Our last April panelist represents the meat processing industry here in Ohio. Dale Phillips of Zanesville is the owner of Phillips Meat Processing, a family-owned and operated business that has been established since 1974. Phillips operates under full federal inspection and is part of an USDA pilot program started early in 2023 to provide virtual grading to small packing plants. Phillips provides fresh cuts of both beef and pork and an array of smoked products and lunch meats that are made and cooked in-house. They offer custom processing/slaughter, wholesale, and retail as well.

To register for the 2024 OSU Extension Beef Team Webinar series visit

There is one Registration Link for all 4 Sessions – Questions? Contact: Garth Ruff,

Details about all winter beef programs can be found in the Event Calendar at


This article was originally posted at Winter Beef School Webinars to Focus on Meeting Local Demand | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (

Beef Quality Assurance January 30

Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification?

The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer.  The Ohio BQA program is set to meet or exceed the NCBA BQA Guidelines.

Two events are scheduled:

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Thursday, March 19, 2024

Program starts at 7:00 PM

Location: Muskingum Livestock Auction

No cost, no RSVP needed.


Attending this session will allow you to obtain the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance certificate or renew your existing certificate.  Certificates are good for three years.

An FAQ about the BQA program is available at:

Updates from around OSU Extension

Harvest Delays – Light vs. Temperature | Agronomic Crops Network 

Harvest Complete? It’s Time To Assess SCN Levels In Your Fields! | Agronomic Crops Network 

2023 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials: Results For All Trial Locations | Agronomic Crops Network 

Presynchronization and Improving Fertility of Beef Cows | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Why is This Time Different? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

The Cost of Money | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Time to Plan a Winter Feeding Program | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Living on a Few Acres: Sheep and Goat Production | OSU Sheep Team 

Lambing and Kidding Assistance | OSU Sheep Team 

An Environmental Law Harvest | Farm Office 

New law limits who can own agricultural land in Ohio | Farm Office 

New Publication Discusses Wills and Trusts | Farm Office 

Announcing our “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” Fall and Winter Workshops | Farm Office 

Ohio Beef Cattle Herd Health Seminar in Caldwell, OH on January 26

Join OSU Extension and the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine for a day focused on beef cattle herd health and preventive care.  This event will be January 26, 2024 at the Caldwell Extension Operations research farm in Noble County at 16714 Wolf Run Rd, Caldwell, OH.  Program starts at 10:00 AM and includes lunch.  RSVP by January 19.  Cost is $10.  A registration form is available at this link.

Extension News Headlines

Making the Most of Your Fall Grazing | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Grazing Corn Residue, a Feed Alternative! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Dry Weather? Don’t graze down to the nubbins! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Demand for CHOICE Beef Strengthens | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Is AI Ready to Draft Your Farm Lease? | Farm Office 

Ohio Contemplating Temporary CAUV Changes | Farm Office 

OSU Extension Weather Extremes Committee and the State Climate Office of Ohio to Host Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes Conference | Agronomic Crops Network