A more pedestrian, bike and transit friendly OSU


Good news, everybody!  The OSU has announced a new Comprehensive Transportation and Parking Plan that improves pedestrian, bike and public transit access and circulation on campus.  Read about it here: OSU Transit Plan Proposes Big Changes for Campus.

So happy to see progress towards sustainable transportation on campus – cars will be part of the future, of course, but its time we ended their preferential treatment and moved towards more balanced transportation systems.

I knew it was a good idea to appoint Jennifer Evans-Cowley, a highly regarded urban planner, as OSU’s Vice Provost for Capital Planning and Regional Campuses.  Keep up the good work, Jennifer!

Howard A. Stafford Lecture at University of Cincinnati

On Friday, November 14th, I’ll be giving the 9th Annual Howard A. Stafford Lecture in the Department of Geography at the University of Cincinnati.  The subject is “The Moving Across Places Study (MAPS): Measuring the Influence of Built Environmental Interventions on Physical Activity.”   For more information, see the flyer.

Hope to see you there, my friends in the greater tri-state region! 

Re:Map Columbus contest

Transit Columbus, a local non-profit citizen group supporting a better connected Columbus, has just announced Re:Map Columbus – an alternative transportation map design contest.

The idea is to develop a map to highlight alternative transportation modes (walk, bike, CoGo, Car2Go, COTA, etc) for all of Columbus, or in specific neighborhoods.  The winning submission will receive a $2,000 prize. The top 10 submissions as chosen by the public will receive a CoGo year membership as well as additional prizes. You may submit as an individual or a team.

The contest will start on November 1st with submissions being accepted until December 31st, 2014.

More information and rules at: http://www.transitcolumbus.org/mapcontest/

ReMap Columbus Flyer 2-01