Sophomore Year

Global Awareness: 

To develop my global awareness, I have taken classes that contribute to my understanding of the world. In Women’s Glee, we center our performances around the education and empowerment of women worldwide. Through this, I have learned a lot about how women live their lives in all corners of the world. In the future, I plan on continuing to take classes that expand my worldview.

Original Inquiry:

Although I have not had a lot of research experience, I did have the opportunity in one of my classes to research the history of the anti-vax movement and why it’s arguments are invalid. This opportunity gave me the chance to learn valuable research skills.  I also plan to take part in undergraduate research during my remaining time at Ohio State.

Academic Enrichment:

My honors contract shows a commitment to the goal of academic enrichment by including classes that are far from the realm of my major. I am majoring in atmospheric sciences as I want to become a researcher in the field one day. I am also minoring in music not only because I love it, but to enhance my academic experience by broadening the fields I am exposed to and helping me to become a more well-rounded person.

Leadership Development:

The activity that I am involved with that contributes the most to my leadership skills is being an honors peer mentor. Through this program, I get the opportunity to help first-year students adjust to college life by teaching them through my own personal experiences. My involvement relates to my personal goals by really allowing me to dig deep and grow as a person and leader.

Service Engagement:

In the Women’s Glee Club, I have the opportunity to sing for and get involved with the Columbus community through outreach projects. This past January, we got the chance to work with different shelters in Columbus. Not only do I believe that we positively affected the residents, but I also had a lot of personal growth through the experience. Looking forward, I hope to continue working with the Columbus community through Women’s Glee.