Year in Review

This year was very different than I expected it to be. Initially I was extremely nervous because I did not know anyone and did not know what to expect in college. Looking back, I realize now that I had nothing to be worried about. Over the last (shortened) year, I have made amazing friends, had unbelievable experiences, and learned so many new things. Overall, it makes me really grateful to be able to go to Ohio State. Since coming to Ohio State in August I feel more confident, experienced, and ready to go out into the world. Ohio State has not just taught me as a student but also as person through great experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. Since this year ended quicker than I had expected, it has made me even more grateful for the time I have at OSU; now I know what people mean when they say it goes really fast. I have learned to enjoy my time and not waste a single second of it as I continue to volunteer, work, hang out with friends, and any other things I will do in my next three years.