Artifact 3

This semester I’ve been taking a photography class that has by far been the best class I’ve taken at Ohio State so far. While it started as a class where I had to follow prompts in order to learn how to use my camera, it transitioned into a class where I was able to see my own creativity and base projects around my own ideas. One of my more recent projects was recreating famous portraits from an artist that inspired me. I chose to base my work around Cindy Sherman and I dressed my friends up in different clothes and makeup and was able to try my best at recreating some of her most famous shots. I found this project to be extremely fun and inspiring. I was able to have so much fun with my roommates as we spent time recreating these shots and I was able to learn more about the inspiration behind Sherman’s shots. She would dress up as different women icons in society and would use those photos to reflect how society looks at women differently depending on their roles. I really enjoyed being able to take the knowledge and experience I learned from Cindy Sherman and apply it to my own style of photography. Below are some of my best shots from the project.

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