


Here I want to discuss how choosing an environment is very important while finding a good place to study and do your online course work. You have a lot of freedom when you take an online class because there are no set times really to complete your work. It is the student’s job to stay on top of their work, and complete their studies on their own time. Finding a place to do this may be a little difficult. You want to be sure you are surrounded by as little distractions as possible. Major takeaways I gained were 1. find an environment you feel most comfortable with 2. set a time that works around your schedule where you strictly do your online course work 3. try to limit the people around you so you can focus on your work 4. have your materials organized so you always have access to them 5. make sure your environment is set up away from things that will get you distracted. Here are a few distractions that you may encounter and ways to avoid them:

  1. Noise- People easily get distracted when there is a lot of background noise. Whether it is people talking, a TV in the background, or a radio, these can distract people and take the away from their task.
    1. In an online class, it is important to find an environment where you are free of distractions. Since there is not a designated time to get your work done, it is up to you to find the time to do it. A solution to this problem with noise is to find a place with silence, if that is the type of environment you work best in. Once you find a place that doesn’t distract you because of the volume, you won’t be distracted as often.
  2. Comfort- I know for me, I used to always study in my bed; however, all I wanted to do was turn on a movie, or take a quick nap.
    1. It is important to find a study environment that is comfortable, but not too comfortable. You want to make sure you don’t get tired studying in your bed, or on a big comfy couch. Finding a space you feel motivated to study and do your work efficiently is very important.
  3. People- Many individuals have family members, roommates, pets, etc. These people can become very distracting when you are trying to study.
    1. It is important to find a place that is away from all of this. Going to the library, or studying in a quiet room are ways to exclude yourself from other people, and will help you complete your work in peace.


Resources that are able to help:

  1. YouTube video by Lauren Hensley: Tips on Managing Time, Tasks and Study Environment for Online Learners
    1. https://youtu.be/TDme7FwnU2Q
  2. Academic Success Center. (2016, October 19). 6 Reasons People Procrastinate. Retrieved from http://success.oregonstate.edu/learning/6-reasons-people-procrastinate (Links to an external site.)
  3. Marano, H. (2016, June 9). Procrastination: Ten Things To Know. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200308/procrastination-ten-things-know
  4. My personal Reflection paper discussing my experience. REFLECTION WEEK FOUR-1vxy233