About me

About Me: Christina Koutras

Hi guys! My name is Christina Koutras. I am a sophomore here at Ohio State. I am from Columbus, Ohio so I am right down the street! I am a fourth generation buckeye here at Ohio State, so you can say I follow in my families footsteps. I have always been a huge fan, and I knew I wanted to come here ever since I was a little girl.

My major is Dental Hygiene. It is a two year program, so I just applied last semester. I am waiting to find out if I got in or not, and should be hearing back in March! There are a couple online classes that are offered in the Dental Hygiene program, so I am taking this class to see if I would maybe be interested in taking these in the future. Dental Hygiene is a program where they mainly focus on hands on learning. I thought it was interesting that this course was offered online, so am curious to see how this works.

As a student, I am very driven. I want to succeed, and I want to master everything I learn about. When it comes to technology, I would say I am pretty average in this field. I am comfortable with social technologies, and some other applications such as Google Drive and what not; however, I am not very tech savvy in other fields. For example, this blog! Technologies I am not familiar with I struggle using, so hopefully in this class I will learn ways to overcome these obstacles!