Reflection Papers

Reflections and Takeaways


Reflection Paper 1- This paper introduces you to my experiences of online learning in the past. You will be able to gain a sense of knowledge on my background with technology. Reflection 1

Reflection Paper 2- Here I state my professional goals, and how I am able to achieve them. I describe my life as a pre-dental hygiene major and discuss qualities that I have in leadership. Reflection 2

Reflection Paper 3- In this paper  discuss my experiences with working in groups. This is the starting of our group project, and I share the struggles and strengths we shared. Reflection 3

Reflection Paper 4- This paper discusses time and task management, as well as environment and different recommendations to ensure success for an online class. These skills are important and help a student learn beneficial study habits. Reflection 4

Reflection Paper 5- In this paper I talk about my chosen topic, and how I found credible sources. I talk about the different resources I used to help me navigate through. I discuss the importance of taking advantage of resources provided by your teacher. Reflection 5

Reflection Paper 6- In this paper I talk about my struggles with online reading, and how it has affected me in the past. I then discuss strategies that have helped me overcome this struggle and made me a better reader/ notetaker. Reflection 6



  1. Take advantage of your resources
  2. Set SMART goals
  3. Get close with your classmates by using the discussion boards and responding to their posts
  4. Make a schedule with all your assignments to stay organized
  5. Surround yourself in an environment that you work best in
  6. Don’t feel frustrated at first!
  7. Set specific times where you solely work on your online course