Spring 2018
Creation 01/10/2018
1) Group Identification
Table # – P
Instructor – Dr. K
Team member info:
Abby Hallock | hallock.29@osu.edu | 513-605919 | |
Chuwen Sun | sun.2067@osu.edu | 614-3772156 | |
Julia Scott | Scott.2052@osu.edu | 740-971-9121 | |
Rensu Kumbhani | kumbhani.4@osu.edu | 304-917-1601 |
2) Primary Means of Communication and Expectations
Each member is expected to communicate through Group-me. One is expected to respond within an 4 hours after a question is asked. Each member is responsible to complete there work to the best of their abilities.
3) Scheduling of Meetings
The team has agreed to meet at least once a week.
4) General Responsibilities for All Team Members
- Everyone do their fair share of work
- Stay focus and on task
- Respond in a group chat in a timely manner (4 hour unless stated unavailable)
- Attend group meetings
- Pay attention during classes and labs
- Contribute ideas to the group
- If do not understand asks for help instead of guessing
- Review and check rubric to make sure one has everything needed to get full credit
- If unable to attend meeting tell the group 24 hours in advance
5) Specific Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines
Abby= PR
Julia= HR
Rensu= AEV Handeler
Chuwen= De-bugs codding
6) Conflict Resolution
The following steps will be followed if a problem occurs within the group pertaining to general or specific responsibility.
- Have a group discussion about the conflict and try to come with possible solutions.
- If solutions are not reached, hold a group vote for a solution to the problem.
- If 1 and 2 fails, Contact the GTAs or Professor to decide what will happen next.
7) Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s
If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.
8) Team Signatures
Electronic Signatures:
Abby Hallock
Julia Scott
Rensu Kumbhani
Chuwen Sun