
Power vs. Time Graph

Above is a graph of Power versus Time of the AEV. As the graph is increasing, from 0 to 3 seconds, the motors are accelerating from 0% to 25% power. The plateau that occurs for approximately 4 more seconds represents the motors at a constant 25% power. Then when the graph suddenly decreases, the motors’ power is being decreased to 20%. The power stays constant for about 2 seconds. The spike represents when the motors reverse, and the line coming out of the spike is when the motors are at a constant speed of 25% again for another 2 seconds. The sudden drop is when the motors are braking to a stop. The whole test run took about 11.5 seconds to complete.

Power vs. Distance Graph

When the motor is powering up from 0% to 25%, the AEV moves approximately 1 meter. As the power decreases to 20%, it moves another 1.5 meters. As the motors reverse the direction of the propellers, it moves just a fraction of a meter forwards before switching directions. As soon as the motors are back up to a power of 25%, the AEV moves another meter in the opposite direction before the motors brake and come to a stop. The AEV has moved about 3.5 meters over the whole test run.