Team Meeting Minutes



Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

All members present

Basic Team Introductions and Ideas

  • Talked about the importance of having an aerodynamic design
  • Talked about the idea that the device would have to stop at a point to go through a gate
  • Agreed that each member of the team should be responsible for a portion, and no one should do more than their weight
  • Created a GroupMe for the team



Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

Members not present- Paul Qing

  • Began testing process for Arduino
  • Set up basic test device, connected battery, and controller
  • Coded Scenario 1
  • Tested scenario 1
  • Took photos of the test of scenario

Planned meeting for the following Tuesday at Park-Stradley Hall


Park-Stradley Hall Side Study Room – 4pm

All members Present

  • Started meeting by discussing goals for the day
  • Split into two groups
  • Ryne and Jacob worked on assembling the under body of the AEV
  • Rishi and Paul worked on assembling the wheel mount
  • Discussed which of the two mounts would be more effective in increasing productivity of the vehicle
  • Started installing sensors onto the mounts
  • Took photos of the test AEV
  • End of meeting


Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

All Members Present

  • Started off by coding test for external sensors
  • Loaded the code onto the Arduino
  • Ran a test for the instructional team


Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

All members Present

  • Began with work on PR&D lab 4, and the design analysis tool
  • Researched the possibility of moving the battery further to the back, for balance purposes
  • Moved the battery back in the test AEV, to improve balance
  • Placed the sample AEV on the sample track to test for balance
  • Ran a successful test of the AEV program
  • Took the info of the test run and analyzed the results.


Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

All members present

  • Completed remaining Pre R&D labs
  • Assessed team members individual AEV sketches
  • Began preparing for the transition into the  AR&D phase of the mission
  • Updated and prepared to publish Progress Report 1
  • Selected best AEV designs to consider for later stages of development
  • Began testing for AR&D on propellor positioning
  • Started with initial design, and ran tests

Mistakes made:

  • Ran the propellors at too high of a speed and almost ran AEV off the track
  • Small bump in AEV track caused the vehicle to fly off the track (was caught)


Hitchcock Hall 224-8am

All members present

  • Began the day presenting our Grant Proposal
  • Re arranged our AEV to be able to have a motor in the front and back of the AEV
  • Re coded the Arduino for one motor to go in the opposite direction

Small Hiccups

  • Arduino needed to have completely new code for the one motor to spin in the opposite direction
  • Had to decide which motor to make spin in the opposite direction



Hitchcock Hall 224

All members present

  • Began AR&D 2 testing, on track variance
  • After finishing the tests for the second track, we were curious if the decreasing numbers had more to do with battery power than the track variance
  • Re ran tests for the back track, and got consistent results again
  • Worked on making the most lightweight, compact design possible


Hitchcock Hall 224

All members present

  • Presented our AR&D information


Morrison Tower Lobby

All members Present

  • Finished work on progress report 1 rewrite
  • Discussed plans for the next AEV design
  • Built the next AEV
  • Began working on progress report 2
  • Added details to the website


  • Had to get more zipties to switch which mount we were using.
  • Had to find a way to more effectively balance the AEV
  • changed our design for the base


Hitchcock 224

All members present

  • Began performance test 1
  • Had to get a new arduino motor, and new cord

Beginning code: 280 marks, then quick stop

  • First test

20% power for 280 marks – no movement

  • Second Test

Motors forward, 40% for 1 second, 20% for 280 marks, brake at 280

  • Third Test

Backward motor, 40% for a second, 20% for 280, brake at 280

  • Fourth test

backward motor, 40% for a second, 20% for 260 marks, 30% power for 1 second in reverse

(Test was very good, just a little bit long)

  • Fifth Test

backward motor, 40% for a second, 20% for 240 marks, 30% power for 1 second in reverse

(Even closer to perfect)

Sixth Test

backward motor, 40% for a second, 20% for 250 marks, 30% power for 1 second in reverse

(This test was nothing short of Elon musks car in space)

7 Test

Tried to go to other end of the track, didn’t reverse motor

8 Test

After gate- 40% precent for 2, then 20% power for rest

(Needed to be caught at the very end, but the rest was perfect.



Hitchcock Hall 308

All Members Present

  • Began forming code for HI 308 track
  • Began with previous code and it    was not enough power to get up the hill
  • Tried a few different codes
  • Adjusted the amount of marks to go with this track
  • Successful Test

All motors 40% for 1 second, 21% absolute 245, reverse all motors, 30% for 1.8 seconds. Break all motors, reverse all motors, 0% power for 8 seconds, 30% power for 2 seconds.

Important Notes

Moving to a different room created an interesting task for deciding what power to run our AEV at on a different track. The basis was still the same but some slight tweaks had to be made.



Hitchcock Hall 224

All members present

  • Began performance test 2
  • Ran several tests for performance tests two
  • Had to adjust connector piece to be able to easily pick up the caboose


Hitchcock Hall 308

All members Present

  • Continued work on performance test 2
  • Continued work on MCR
  • Completed graded Performance test 2


Hitchcock Hall 308

All members present

  • Continued work on final performance test
  • Ran a few successful completed performance tests
  •  Still had a few flaws in the code to perfect on Thursday


Hitchcock hall 224

All members present

  • Started preparations for the committee meeting
  • Ran tests for 224 and finalized code for that room
  • 224 is complete


Hitchcock Hall 308

All members present

  • Ran back Tuesdays code for 308, still found a few flaws, and needed to refine


  • Continued to refine code for room 308
  • Saved data from run in Matlab program


Hitchcock Hall 308

All members present

  • Continued work on Progress report 3
  • Ran a few tests to make sure our code was up to par


Hitchcock Hall 308

All members present

  • Continued running performance tests
  • Completed the final Performance test