Team Information

Meet Team P-

Julia Scott

Role: Human Resources Specialist (HR)

  • Schedule for the week /Reminders on Due Dates
  • Staying on Task
  • Builds AEV for labs
  • Creates SolidWorks Designs

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Abby Hallock

Role: Public Relations Specialist (PR)

  • Team Meeting Notes
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Dividing up work between teammates
  • Technical writing assignments
  • Creates the website
  • Monitors the website
  • Marketing manager

Major: Chemical Engineering

Chuwen Sun

Role: Research and Developers (R&D)

  • Debugging Coding/ Suggestions on Coding Changes
  • Stands at End of Track During Performance Tests

Major: Computer Science and Engineering

Rensu Kumbhani

Role: Research and Developers (R&D)

  • Coding for the AEV
  • Data Analysis
  • AEV Kit Handler

Major: Computer Science and Engineering