M.A. Abir, A. Kiourti, and M.A. Islam, “High Resolution Microwave Tomographic Imaging Using Low Frequency Data and Artificial Neural Networks,” International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2024), Bangladesh, Dec. 18–20, 2024.
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “High-Contrast Low-Loss Antennas with Improved Bandwidth and Wearability,” International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT 2025), Cocoa Beach, FL, Feb. 19–21, 2025.
B. Dontha, A. Rice, and A. Kiourti, “Novel 3D-Printing Technologies for Wearable and Implantable Antennas,” International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT 2025), Cocoa Beach, FL, Feb. 19–21, 2025. [abstract]
S. Swearingen, K. Swearingen, A. Kiourti, S. de Koninck, and J. Boster, “Fostering Connections for Children with Autism Via Collaborative Digital Gaming,” Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Conference, Orlando, FL, Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2025. [abstract]
S. Islam, M.A. Islam, and A. Kiourti, “A Conformal Microwave Measurement System for Imaging Buried Anomalies,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 7–10, 2025.
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Broadband Impedance Matching for Wearable Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 7–10, 2025. [abstract]
Y. Zhang and A. Kiourti, “Untethered Wearable Loop Sensor System for Monitoring Human Joint Movement,” Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, Oct. 27 – Nov. 1, 2024.
B. Dontha and A. Kiourti, “Modeling of Low Electrical Conductivity Materials for Antenna Design,” Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, Oct. 27 – Nov. 1, 2024.
Y. Chang, Y. Zhang, A. Kiourti, and E. Ertin, “MPADA: Open Source Framework for Multimodal Time Series Antenna Array Measurements,” Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, Oct. 27 – Nov. 1, 2024.
S.A. Balakrishnan, A. Rice, A. Kiourti, and K.T. Selvan, “Experiences from Teaching a Short-Term Course on Bioelectromagnetics,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, Italy, Jul. 14–19, 2024.
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “Uncommon Conductors and Dielectrics for Wearable Applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, Italy, Jul. 14–19, 2024.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Feasibility of Bilateral Joint Flexion Monitoring Using a Wearable Loop Sensor,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, Italy, Jul. 14–19, 2024.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Wearable Magnetoinductive Waveguide,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, Italy, Jul. 14–19, 2024.
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Analytical Model for Three Resonant Element-Based Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 19–24, 2024.
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Magnetoinductive Waveguides and their Applications to Wireless Body Area Networks,” URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 19–24, 2024. [abstract]
A. Kaiss and A. Kiourti, “Wearable MagnetoCardioGraphy (MCG) Sensor Using a Single Coil,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 19–23, 2024.
A. Kaiss and A. Kiourti, “Advancements in Wearable MagnetoCardioGraphy (MCG) Sensors,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 19–23, 2024.
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Full-Body Case Study of Wearable Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9–13, 2024.
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Experimental Parametric Study of Dual-Layer Planar Wearable Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9–13, 2024.
S. Coogle, C. Jenkins, and A. Kiourti, “A Theoretical Model for Finite-Element Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9–13, 2024.
Y. Zhang and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Loop Sensor System for Monitoring 2-Leg Kinematics,” URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI-GASS), Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 19–26, 2023. [abstract]
H. Baum, M.A. Islam, and A. Kiourti, “AI-Powered Microwave Imaging for Stroke Detection,” URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI-GASS), Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 19–26, 2023. [abstract]
B. Dontha, T. Annerino, P. Gouma, and A. Kiourti, “Assessing the Performance of EM-Functionalized PANI-CA Sensors for Varying Geometries,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Portland, OR, Jul. 23–28, 2023.
B. Dontha, M. Moulod, D. Hoelzle, J. Li, F. Miranda, and A. Kiourti, “Characterizing the Electromagnetic Properties of Photocurable PEDOT:PSS Hydrogels for Wireless Implants,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Portland, OR, Jul. 23–28, 2023. [abstract]
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “Towards Wearable Monitoring of Muscle Atrophy: A Stretchable, Conductive Thread-Based Sensor,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Portland, OR, Jul. 23–28, 2023. [abstract]
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Low-Loss Wireless Implant Telemetry Using Magnetoinductive Waveguides,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Monterey, CA, Mar. 26–30, 2023.
K. Zhu and A. Kiourti, “Noise Coil for Improving Sensitivity in a Fully Passive Bio-Magnetic Signal Detection System,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Monterey, CA, Mar. 26–30, 2023.
K. Zhu and A. Kiourti, “Partial Shielding to Improve the Sensitivity of a Fully Passive Bio-Magnetic Signal Detection System,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Monterey, CA, Mar. 26–30, 2023.
K. Zhu and A. Kiourti, “In Vitro Validation of Partial Shielding to Detect an Extremely Weak and Wideband Bio-Magnetic Signal,” International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Monterey, CA, Mar. 26–30, 2023.
A. Ibrahim and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Sensors for Joint Flexion Monitoring: Low-Angle Resolution Improvement,” 2023 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Washington D.C., Feb. 9–11, 2023. [abstract]
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “High-Contrast Low-Loss Antenna: Design and Applications,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 10–14, 2023. [abstract]
C. Jenkins and A. Kiourti, “Dual-Layer Magnetoinductive Waveguide for Wearable Wireless Body Area Networks,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 10–14, 2023. [abstract]
I. Anderson, C. Cosma, and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Loop Sensors for Joint Flexion Monitoring: Validation on Human Subjects,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 10–14, 2023. [abstract]
A. Istiak, I.M. Hasnine, A. Kiourti, M.S. Alam, and M.A. Islam, “X-ray Computed Tomography Sinogram Data Generation from Microwave Tomography Measurements Using Deep Neural Networks,” 12th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 21-23, 2022.
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “Real-World Considerations for Into-Body Antennas,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Denver, CO, Jul. 10–15, 2022.
V. Mishra, C. Jenkins, and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Magneto-Inductive Waveguide for Wireless Body Area Network and On-Body Wireless Power Transfer,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Denver, CO, Jul. 10–15, 2022. [abstract]
Y. Han, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Denoising Textile Kinematics Sensors: A Machine Learning Approach,” 3rd URSI Atlantic / Asia-Pacific Radio Science Meeting (URSI AT-AP-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 29 – Jun. 3, 2022.
M.A. Islam, V. Mishra, Z. Dalisky, and A. Kiourti, “Multi-Utility Wearable Sensors for Motion Capture and Tissue Imaging,” 3rd URSI Atlantic / Asia-Pacific Radio Science Meeting (URSI AT-AP-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 29 – Jun. 3, 2022.
A. Kiourti, “Fully-Passive Brain Implants: Opportunities and Challenges,” IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (ImBioC), Suzhou, China, May 16–18, 2022. [abstract]
C. Jenkins, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Combination of Wearable Axial and Planar Magnetoinductive Waveguide for Low Loss WBANs,” IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (ImBioC), Suzhou, China, May 16–18, 2022. [abstract]
K. Zhu, M. Johnson, C.J. Reddy, and A. Kiourti, “Analysis of a Wearable Joint Flexion Sensor Using Anatomical Tissue Models,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022.
K. Zhu, M. Johnson, C.J. Reddy, and A. Kiourti, “Using Anatomical Body Models to Simulate Antenna-Impregnated Fabrics that Monitor Child Height,”USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022.
Y. Han, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Denoising E-Textile Sensors for Real-World Kinematics Monitoring,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
B. Dontha and A. Kiourti, “Skin Acetone Sensing Based on PANI-CA Composites,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
M. Moulod, S. Balbaugh, D. Hoelzle, A. Kiourti, J. Li, and F. Miranda, “Study of Electrical Properties of PEDOT:PSS Material and its Feasibility for Wireless Implantable Devices,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “Ceramic and Plastic Antenna Design for Into-Body Radiation,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
M. Patil and A. Kiourti, “Human vs. Rat Head Models for Wireless and Fully-Passive Brain Implant Design: A Comparative Study,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
K. Tisdale, A. Bringer, and A. Kiourti, “A Coherent Model for Radiometric Core Body Temperature Sensing,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–8, 2022. [abstract]
C. Jenkins, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Wearables for Joint Effusion Detection: An Analysis for Magnitude-/Phase-Only vs. Combined Readings,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore, Dec. 04–10, 2021.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Magnetoinductive Waveguide WBANs: Tolerance to Loop Failures,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore, Dec. 04–10, 2021.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Radio Frequency Loop-Based Sensors for Monitoring Joint Kinematics,” URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Aug. 28 – Sept. 4, 2021.
M. Faltas, B. Dontha, A. Kiourti, and P. Gouma, “2D Bending Analysis of PANI-CA Chemoactuator,” 3rdAnnual Conference on Chemical Sensors for Wearable Devices, Virtual Conference, Mar. 3, 2021. [abstract]
Z. Dalisky, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Loops for Unobtrusive Electromagnetic Detection of Joint Effusion,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021.
V. Mishra, Z. Dalisky, and A. Kiourti, “Bovine Calf Serum: Broadband Dielectric Properties and an Emulating Phantom,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021.
K. Zhu and A. Kiourti, “Air-Core Coil Gradiometer for Biomagnetic Sensing in Non-Shielded Environments,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021.
K. Guido, A. Bringer, and A. Kiourti, “Toward Non-Invasive Core Body Temperature Sensing,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021.
V. Mishra, W. Niermeyer, T. Chiang, and A. Kiourti, “Artifacts of Capturing Unintentional RF Energy Transfer During In Vitro Tonsillectomy,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021.
B. Dontha and A. Kiourti, “Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of PANI-CA Composites,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021. [abstract]
A. Rice and A. Kiourti, “Fabrication Challenges of Bio-Matched Antennas,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021. [abstract]
C. Moncion, L. Balachandar, S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, A. Kiourti, J. Riera Diaz, and J.L. Volakis, “Passive Wireless Neurosensing System for Multi-Unit Neuronal Activity Monitoring,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Jan. 4–9, 2021. [abstract]
C. Moncion, S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, A. Kiourti, J. Riera Diaz, and J.L. Volakis, “Recording Neural Spikes Using Wireless Neurosensing System,” IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference, Toulouse, France, Dec. 14–17, 2020.
M.S. Islam, A. Kiourti, M.S. Alam, and M.A. Islam, “Metamaterial Inspired Superstrate to Improve Mutual Coupling Between Antennas Separated by Inhomogenous Boundary,” 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virtual Meeting, Dec. 17–19, 2020.
K. Guido, A. Bringer, and A. Kiourti, “Human Body Phantoms for Wideband Radiometry,” 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 05–10, 2020.
V. Mishra, N. Kieves, S. Jones, and A. Kiourti, “In Vivo Monitoring of Dog’s Knee Flexion Using Wearable Wrap-Around Coils,” 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 05–10, 2020.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Wearable Electrically Small Loop Antennas for Monitoring Joint Kinematics: Guidelines for Optimal Frequency Selection,” 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 05–10, 2020.
J. Blauert and A. Kiourti, “An 18:1 Bandwidth Bio-Matched Antenna Covering the MedRadio, ISM and WMTS Bands,” 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 05–10, 2020.
K. Guido and A. Kiourti, “Matching Considerations for Wireless, Batteryless Brain Implants to High Impedance Electrodes,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, Georgia, Jul. 07–12, 2019.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Electromagnetic Components Realized on Conductive Wires: A Copper vs. E-Thread Comparison,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, Georgia, Jul. 07–12, 2019.
S. Alharbi and A. Kiourti, “Folding-Dependent vs. Folding-Independent Flexible Antennas on E-Textiles,”2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, Georgia, Jul. 07–12, 2019.
K. Guido and A. Kiourti, “Real World Considerations for Wireless and Batteryless Brain Implants,” International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), Miami, FL, Mar. 3–6, 2019.
B.V.B. Simorangkir, R.M. Hashmi, A. Kiourti, and K.P. Esselle, “Miniaturization of Flexible Electronically Tunable Wearable Antennas based on Polymer-Conductive Fabric Composite,” International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), Miami, FL, Mar. 3–6, 2019.
V. Mishra and A. Kiourti, “Breaking the Boundaries: Monitoring Joint Flexion Using Wrap-Around Coils,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9–12, 2019.
K. Zhu and A. Kiourti, “Passive Coil-Based Wearable Textile for Monitoring Cardiac Activity,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, GA, Jul. 07–12, 2019. [abstract]
K. Zhu, V. Mishra, and A. Kiourti, “Bio-Magnetic Detection of Cardiac Activity Using Wearables,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9–12, 2019. [abstract]
H. Shah, A. Inshaar, C. Zou, S. Chaudhari, S. Alharbi, A. Kiourti, and R.L. Harne, “Multiphysics Modeling and Experimental Validation of Reconfigurable, E-Textile Origami Antennas,” ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Quebec City, Canada, Aug. 26–29, 2018.
S. Chaudhari, S. Alharbi, C. Zou, H. Shah, R.L. Harne, and A. Kiourti, “A New Class of Reconfigurable Origami Antennas Based on E-Textile Embroidery,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018.
H. Elayan, R.M. Shubair, J.M. Jornet, A. Kiourti, and R. Mittra, “Terahertz Graphene-Based Spiral Nanoantenna for Intrabody Communication,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018.
W.C. Chen and A. Kiourti, “Fully-Passive Matching Between Wireless Brain Implants and High-Impedance Electrode Interfaces,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018. [abstract]
W.C. Chen, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Passive Multi-Channel Brain Implant for Wireless Neuropotential Monitoring,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018.
B.J. DeLong, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Cutting the Cord: A Button-Sized Patient Monitoring System Using Radiated Near-Field Signals at 2.4 GHz,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018.
V. Mishra, M. Koenigs, T. Chiang, and A. Kiourti, “Unwanted RF Energy Coupling During Electrocautery: An In-Vitro Tonsillectomy Study,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, MA, Jul. 08–13, 2018.
A. Kiourti, “Textile-Based Flexible Electronics for Wearable Applications: from Antennas to Batteries,” 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
K. Zhu, L. Militello, and A. Kiourti, “A Scalable Textile Antenna Mat for Wireless Sensing of Children’s Height,” 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
M. Koenigs, C. Schwartz, A. Kiourti, and T. Chiang, “Beyond the Grounding Pad: Unintentional Electrical Current Pathways as a Proposed Mechanism for Post-Tonsillectomy Dysgeusia,” American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, Apr. 20–22, 2018. [abstract]
S. Alharbi, R.M. Shubair, and A. Kiourti, “Flexible Antennas for Wearable Applications: Recent Advances and Design Challenges,” 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, Apr. 9–13, 2018.
B. Yan, B. DeLong, D. An, A. Kiourti, K. Dungan, J. Volakis, M. Ma, and L. Guo, “An RF-Driven Lightweight Implantable Insulin Pump,” 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Denver, CO, Mar. 24-29, 2018.
O. Khan, Q. Islam, R. Shubair, and A. Kiourti, “Novel Multiband Flamenco Fractal Antenna for Wearable WBAN Off-Body Communication Applications,” 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Denver, CO, Mar. 24-29, 2018.
J. Blauert and A. Kiourti, “Dual-Band (2.4 / 4.8 GHz) Implantable Antenna for Biomedical Telemetry Applications,” 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Denver, CO, Mar. 24-29, 2018.
W.-C. Chen, B. DeLong, R. Vilkhu, and A. Kiourti, “Towards Batteryless Wearables and Implants,” 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Denver, CO, Mar. 24-29, 2018.
J. Blauert and A. Kiourti, “High Gain Implantable Dual-Band Patch Antenna,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–7, 2018. [abstract]
R. Vilkhu, C. O’Connor, W. Thio, P. Das Ghatak, A. Co, C.K. Sen, and A. Kiourti, “Scalable Power Generation for Wearable Electronics Using Fabric Electrochemistry,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–7, 2018. [abstract]
B. DeLong, C. Lee, S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Wideband Wireless Energy Harvesting from 700-900 MHz,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–7, 2018.
R. Vilkhu, B. DeLong, P. Das Ghatak, S. Mathew-Steiner, C.K. Sen, and A. Kiourti, “Power Harvesting for Wearable Electronics Using Fabric Electrochemistry,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017.
A. Kiourti and R. Shubair, “Implantable and Ingestible Sensors for Wireless Physiological Monitoring: a Review,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017.
S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, E. Jones, and A. Kiourti, “Unintended RF Energy Coupling during Endoscopy,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017.
W-C. Chen, C. Lee, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Multi-Channel Passive Brain Implant for Wireless Neuropotential Monitoring,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017. [abstract]
A. Islam, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Microwave Tomographic Technique to Enhance Real-Imaginary Permittivity Image Quality,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017.
C. Lee, D. Papantonis, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Body-Worn 67:1 Bandwidth Antenna Using 3 Overlapping Dipole Elements,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017. [abstract]
C. Lee, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Wireless Fully-Passive Recorder for Medical Applications,” 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, Jul. 09 – Jul. 15, 2017. [abstract]
H. Elayan, R.M. Shubair, and A. Kiourti, “Wireless Sensors for Medical Applications: Current Status and Future Challenges,” 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2017), Paris, France, Mar. 19–24, 2017.
C. Lee, D. Papantonis, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Body–Worn 67:1 Bandwidth Antenna Using 3 Overlapping Dipole Elements,” 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2017), Paris, France, Mar. 19–24, 2017.
I. O’Hara, D. Royhman, D. Bijukumar, A. Kiourti, S. Prasad, J. Jacobs, and M. Mathew, “SMART Sensors for the Detection of Metal Ions in Orthopedic Patients: Initial Outcomes,” Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Mar. 19–22, 2017.
N. Saini, A. Kiourti, R. Lee, and J.L. Volakis, “Wearable Electronics Integrated with Flexible Textile Antennas,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–6, 2017. [abstract]
S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, E.L. Jones, and A. Kiourti, “Unintentional RF Energy Transfer During Endoscopy,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–6, 2017. [abstract]
M.A. Islam, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Efficient Microwave Biomedical Imaging through Sparse Reconstruction of Frequency Independent Parameters,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4–6, 2017. [abstract]
H. Elayan, R.M. Shubair, and A. Kiourti, “On Graphene-Based THz Plasmonic Nano-Antennas,” IEEE 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS 2016), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov. 14-17, 2016.
J.L. Volakis and A. Kiourti, “Conductive Textiles for Wearable Electronics,” IEEE Workshop on Flexible / Printed / Fabric Sensors and Systems, San Jose, CA, Oct. 13, 2016. [abstract]
S. Liu, C. Lee, A. Kiourti, J.L. Volakis, and J. Chae, “A Wireless Fully–Passive Neural Recorder Using RF Backscattering Effect,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES 2016), Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct. 5–8, 2016. [abstract]
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “Conductive Textiles for Wearable Electronics,” International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2016), Espoo, Finland, Aug. 14–18, 2016.
N.S. Saini, S. Shao, A. Kiourti, R.J. Burkholder, and J.L. Volakis, “RFID Tags for In–Situ Tire Monitoring,” International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2016), Espoo, Finland, Aug. 14–18, 2016.
B. DeLong, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A 2.4GHz Wireless Sensor Network Using Single Diode Rectennas,” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Jun. 26 – Jul. 1, 2016.
J. Zhong, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Mechanical and Thermal Tests of Textile Antennas for Load Bearing Applications,” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Jun. 26 – Jul. 1, 2016.
C. Lee, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Miniature Fully–Passive Brain Implant for Wireless Real–Time Neuropotential Monitoring,” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Jun. 26 – Jul. 1, 2016. [won Honorable Mention]
A. Kiourti, R. Basten, K. Esselle, and J.L. Volakis, “UWB Antennas on Conductive Textiles,” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Jun. 26 – Jul. 1, 2016.
E.L. Jones, A. Madani, D.M. Overbey, A. Kiourti, S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, D.J. Mikami, J.W. Hazey, T. Arcomano, and T.N. Robinson, “Direct Energy Coupling during Endoscopic Polypectomy: Practical Implications,” American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA, May 21–24, 2016.
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “Wearable Antennas Using Electronic Textiles for RF Communications and Medical Monitoring,” 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 11–15, 2016.
L. Jones, A. Madani, D.M. Overbey, A. Kiourti, S. Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, D.J. Mikame, J.W. Hazey, and T.N. Robinson, “Stray Energy Transfer During Endoscopy: a new Mechanism for Complications,” Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Mar. 16–19, 2016. [selected among 9 Top Posters / Posters of Distinction].
A. Kiourti, J. Zhong, and J.L. Volakis, “Conformal Spiral Antenna Based on Conductive Textile Threads for Load–Bearing Applications,” International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT 2016), Cocoa Beach, FL, Feb. 29 – Mar. 2, 2016.
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “A New Class of Colorful Textile Antennas for Wearable Electronics,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 6–9, 2016. [abstract]
M.A. Islam, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Portable and Conformal RF Sensor for High-Accuracy Real-Time Imaging,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 6–9, 2016. [abstract]
C. Lee, D. Like, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Miniaturized Fully–Passive Brain Implant for Wireless Acquisition of Low-Level Neuropotentials”, USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 6–9, 2016. [abstract]
M. ElSalamouny, R.M. Shubair, and A. Kiourti, “Novel Design of Compact Low–Profile Multi–Band Microstrip Antennas for Medical Applications,” Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2015), Loughborough, UK, Nov. 1–2, 2015.
R.M. Shubair, A.M. AlShamsi, K. Khalaf, and A. Kiourti, “Novel Miniature Wearable Microstrip Antennas for ISM–Band Biomedical Telemetry,” Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2015), Loughborough, UK, Nov. 1–2, 2015. [
A. Islam, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Novel Body–Worn RF Sensor for Deep Tissue Imaging,” IEEE International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS–Bio 2015), Taepei, Taiwan, Sept. 21–23, 2015.
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “High–Accuracy Conductive Textiles for Embroidered Antennas and Circuits,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “Body-Worn Antennas, Sensors and a Novel Class of Electronic Textiles,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
C. Lee, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Wireless Biomedical Telemetry Using a Fully–Passive Brain Implant,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
J. Zhong, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Conformal, Lightweight Textile Spiral Antenna on Kevlar Fabrics,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
A. Islam, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Conformal Sensor Accuracy for Deep Tissue Biomedical Imaging,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
S. Salman, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Rudimentary Deep Tissue Imaging Through a Wearable Real-Time Monitoring System,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 19–25, 2015.
C. Lee, A. Kiourti, J. Chae, and J.L. Volakis, “A High–Sensitivity Fully–Passive Wireless Neurosensing System for Unobtrusive Brain Signal Monitoring,” 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Phoenix, AZ, May 17–22, 2015.
A. Dey, A. Kiourti, G. Mumcu, and J.L. Volakis, “Microfluidically Reconfigured Frequency Tunable Dipole Antenna,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 12–17, 2015.
A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “Stretchable and Flexible E-Fiber Antennas with High Geometrical Accuracy,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 12–17, 2015.
J. Zhong, A. Kiourti and J.L. Volakis, “Reducing and Controlling the Beamwidth of Electrically Small Antenna Arrays,” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 12–17, 2015.
C. Lee, A. Kiourti, J. Chae, and J.L. Volakis, “Fully–Passive and Wireless Detection of Very-Low-Power Brain Signals,” IEEE International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS–Bio 2014), London, UK, Dec. 8–10, 2014. [won Best Student Paper Award]
A. Kiourti, C. Lee, J. Chae, and J.L. Volakis, “Fully-Passive Wireless Implants for Unobtrusive Brain Signal Monitoring,” IEEE EMBS BRAIN Grand Challenges Conference, Washington DC, Nov. 13–14, 2014. [won IEEE EMB-S Young Investigator Award]
K.A. Psathas, A. Kiourti, and K.S. Nikita, “Link Budget Analysis of a Biocompatible Dual-Band Implantable Antenna for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring,” 31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (31st URSI-GASS), Beijing, China, Aug. 16–23, 2014.
A. Kiourti, C. Lee, A. Akhiyat, H. Schwerdt, J. Chae, and J.L. Volakis, “Passive, On-Chip and In Situ Detection of Neuropotentials,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, Jul. 6–12, 2014.
A. Kiourti, S. Luther, and J.L. Volakis, “Microwave Cavity with Controllable Temperature for Hyperthermia Treatment Investigations,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, Jul. 6–12, 2014.
J. Zhong, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “Increasing the Efficiency of Electrically Small Antennas Across a Large Bandwidth Using Matching Networks,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, Jul. 6–12, 2014.
S. Shao, A. Kiourti, R. Burkholder, and J.L. Volakis, “Broadband and Flexible Textile Based RFID Tags for Automotive Tires,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA, Jul. 6–12, 2014.
K. Karathanasis, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “A Wireless Body Area Network for Carefree Medical Sensing,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA, Jul. 6–12, 2014.
A. Kiourti, Z. Wang, C. Lee, H. Schwerdt, J. Chae, and J.L. Volakis, “A Wireless Neurosensing System for Remote Monitoring of Brain Signals,” 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 6–11, 2014.
S. Shao, A. Kiourti, R. Burkholder, and J.L. Volakis, “Flexible and Stretchable UHF RFID Tag Antennas for Automotive Tire Sensing,” 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 6–11, 2014.
A. Kiourti, A. Kaltampani, and K.S. Nikita, “A Novel Algorithm for Implantable Antenna Design: Size and Radiation Performance Considerations,” 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 6–11, 2014.
K.A. Psathas, A. Kiourti, and K.S. Nikita, “Biocompatibility of Implantable Antennas: Design and Performance Considerations,” 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 6–11, 2014.
A. Kiourti, Z. Wang, and J.L. Volakis, “A Wireless, Fully–Passive Neurosensing System for Brain Signal Monitoring,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 8–11, 2014.
S. Salman, A. Kiourti, and J.L. Volakis, “An On–Body Wrap–Around Sensor for Monitoring Changes in Lung Permittivity,” USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 8–11, 2014.
S. Salman, Z. Wang, A. Kiourti, E. Topsakal, and J.L. Volakis, “A Non–Invasive Lung Monitoring Sensor with Integrated Body–Area Network,” IEEE MTT–S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio 2013), Singapore, Dec. 9–11, 2013.
K.A. Psathas, A.P. Keliris, A. Kiourti, and K.S. Nikita, “Operation of Ingestible Antennas along the Gastrointestinal Tract: Detuning and Performance,” 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2013), Chania, Greece, Nov. 10–13, 2013.
K.A. Psathas, A. Kiourti, and K.S. Nikita, “A Novel Conformal Antenna for Ingestible Capsule Endoscopy in the MedRadio Band,” 34th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2013), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12–15, 2013.
Z. Wang, A. Kiourti, M. Zhang, L. Zhang, and J. Volakis, “A Wireless Communication System for Remote Medical Monitoring,” 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jul. 7–12, 2013.
A. Kiourti and K.S. Nikita, “Methodologies for Fast and Accurate Design of Implantable Antennas: Analysis and Comparison,” 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 8–12, 2013.
K.A. Psathas, A. Kiourti, and K.S. Nikita, “Novel Miniature Dual–Band Implantable Antenna for Biotelemetry”, 5th Pan–Hellenic Conference on Biomedical Technology, Athens, Greece, Apr. 4–6, 2013.
A. Kiourti and K.S. Nikita, “Performance of Miniature Implantable Antennas for Medical Telemetry at 402, 433, 868 and 915 MHz,” 3rd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2012), Paris, France, Nov. 21–23, 2012.
A. Kiourti and K.S. Nikita, “Miniaturization versus Gain and SAR Considerations of Implantable Antennas for Wireless Biotelemetry,” 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chicago, IL, Jul. 8–14, 2012.
A. Kiourti and K.S. Nikita, “Detuning Issues and Performance of a Novel Implantable Antenna for Telemetry Applications,” 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012), Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 26–30, 2012.
A. Kiourti and K.S. Nikita, “Meandered versus Spiral Novel Miniature PIFAs Implanted in the Human Head: Tuning and Performance,” 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2011), Kos Island, Greece, Oct. 5–7, 2011.
A. Kiourti, M. Tsakalakis, and K.S. Nikita, “Parametric Study and Design of Implantable PIFAs for Wireless Biotelemetry,” 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2011), Kos Island, Greece, Oct. 5–7, 2011.
A. Kiourti, M. Christopoulou, and K.S. Nikita, “Performance of a Novel Miniature Antenna Implanted in the Human Head for Wireless Biotelemetry,” 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Spokane, WA, Jul. 3–8, 2011. [won NTUA Thomaideio Foundation Award]
A. Kiourti, M. Christopoulou, S. Koulouridis, and K.S. Nikita, “Design of a Novel Miniaturized Implantable PIFA for Biomedical Telemetry,” 1st International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2010), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, Oct. 18–20, 2010. [won NTUA Thomaideio Foundation Award]
A. Kiourti and A. Demosthenous, “BER Perfomance of a BPSK Biomedical Telemetry System under Varying Coupling and Loading Conditions,” 1st International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2010), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, Oct. 18–20, 2010. [won Best Student Paper Award]
C.S. Petrou, A. Vgenis, A. Kiourti, I. Roudas, J. Hurley, M. Sauer, J. Downine, Y. Mauro, and S. Raghavan, “Impact of Transmitter and Receiver Imperfections on the Performance of Coherent Optical QPSK Communication Systems,” 21st Annual Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Meeting (IEEE/LEOS), Newport Beach, CA, Nov. 9–13, 2008.