Academic Courses
NEW COURSE! ECE 6011: Bioelectromagnetics. This course provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of bioelectromagnetics for graduate students. Lectures cover the interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological tissues across the frequency spectrum; bioelectromagnetic dosimetry; and various applications of bioelectromagnetics (medical, consumer, and more). It is a 3-credit graduate level course, and is offered every other year. Click here for further info.
ECE 5011: Antennas. This course focuses on electromagnetic radiation; fundamental antenna parameters; dipoles, loops, patches, broadband and other antennas; array theory; ground plane effects; horn and reflector antennas; pattern synthesis; antenna measurements. It is a 3-credit undergraduate/graduate level course, and is offered every year.
ECE 3010: Introduction to RF and Optical Engineering. This course focuses on the fundamentals of RF and Optical Engineering, including waves and pulses on transmission lines; charges, fields, and potentials; inductance and capacitance; Faraday’s law; Maxwell’s equations; plane wave propagation, polarization, reflection, and transmission. It is a 3-credit undergraduate level course, and is offered every semester.
ECE 3020: Introduction to Electronics. This course focuses on the fundamentals of electronics, including diode and transistor models for amplifiers, switches, and logic gates; Multiple transistor circuit analysis, small-signal analysis, op amps, and applications to electronic systems. It is a 3-credit undergraduate level course, and is offered every semester.
WEARABLE MANIA! is an annual outreach event that our group started in 2022, under the consultation of COSI. It is a hands-on experience on wearable sensors for the entire family that takes place during the COSI Science Festival – Ohio’s largest STEM event.
TECHNO-FASHION is a grass-roots initiative that our group started in 2019 in collaboration with CoolTechGirls. It is a series of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) workshops paced over a year-long program culminating in a design challenge. The program aims to educate girls in electronics and programming, strengthen their self-confidence, boost their awareness of team dynamics, help them develop leadership skills, and attract them towards STEM careers in the future.