
Data Mining (part 1): Genetics Basics

So, genes are kind of crazy. Kind of crazy long and kind of crazy to understand. Here is how I like to imagine it.

Imagine the whole set of the Encyclopedia Britannica

Image result for encyclopedia britannica

Each “edition” or “volume” is one of your chromosomes.

Some information is found in Book 1, while others can be found in Book 10.

But you need all editions to have all the information that composes the Encyclopedia Britannica, just like how you need all 46 chromosomes to be genetically healthy as a human

Let’s open up a book shall we?

Each “article” like “Apples” or “World War II”  is what we call a “gene

Image result for encyclopedia page Lots of genes huh

Each sentence that composes each “section” or “gene” is what we call DNA (or a DNA strand)

What is important to remember here, is that each “gene” is precisely ordered to read correct information on that article- any “switches” or “changes” in any sentences can cause both genes, or “articles” to make no sense (what we call a mutation)

Image result for sentenceEach letter in this sentence is what we call a “nucleotide”

We can use genetic sequencing to read these sentences and make sure that they are right, and not mutated. In addition, a chromosome analysis can help scientists figure out how many chromosomes there are in someone, just to make sure they aren’t missing any chromosomes (or have any extra)

Crazy how technology works right?


Ohm’s Law Blog Post

So, let’s keep this casual.

What the heck is that?

That is a circuit. Don’t be scared of it.

Circuits are used in electrical systems, which are used in airplane cockpits, sensor systems, your smart phones, and other fancy equipment. It is a necessary aspect of technology that can help demistify how electricity works.


The absolute most basic circuit consists of 2 things.

(1) Voltage (this is the source of electric potential)(V)

(2) One Resistor (R)

When electrons flow through the circuit, it creates what is called a Current (I)

These three are all related to Ohm’s Law [ V = I*R ]

What do these words mean?


Hopefully you have a good imagination.

Imagine you as a single electron are speeding through a “tube” or a “metal wire” when suddenly a disgruntled coworker “tightens the tube”, or increase the “resistance.”  A tighter tube only means you’re gonna slow down. In other words, your “flow (current)” will decrease.

Voltage = (Current) * (Resistance) 


“But I still don’t get it!”

If the electric potential V is kept the same in a circuit, which it usually is, increasing the resistance in the beginning of the circuit means the current has to decrease in order to keep the voltage the same at the end of the circuit. Voltage and current are proportional.

The converse also holds true. If the current were to increase, in order to keep the voltage the same, the resistance would have to decrease. Voltage and current are proportional.

As for units.. when subjected to a voltage of ONE Volt (V), ONE Ohm (O) allows the transmission of ONE Ampere (A) of current


Voltage = V = “Electric Potential” = Proportional to Current; Inversely Proportional to Resistance

Current = I = “The Flow of Electrons” = Proportional to Voltage; Inversely Proportional to Resistance

Resistance = R = “Tightening the Tube” = Inversely Proportional to Resistance; Inversely Proportional to Current








Patch Update (10/8/2017)

*Revamped the website*

Now categories are more neatly organized by Animals, Engineering, and Personal Projects

  • Added some “life skills” in the Engineering section
  • Added my high school thesis paper (#still proud of it)
  • Added Hippo reflection on Jessica the Hippo
  • Preparing future section on “Smart Ag”
  • Found renewed interest in electrical engineering after finding out how important wheatstone bridges are


Patch Update (9/29/2017)

Future Website Patches (9/29)

  • Add Bayesian Self Study Notes
  • Add a “Why Study Quantitative Genetics” page
  • Finish the Cheetah Amyloidosis Pages
  • Finish Cheetah and Florida Panther Pages

Past Website Patches (Prior to 9/29):

  • Add some more screenshots of code for “Cheetah Amyloidosis” Mostly Complete
  • Add chapter summaries of “Tears of a Cheetah” by Stephen O’Brien
    • Start with my favorite – Cheetah In Progress
    • Then the Panda Complete
    • Then the Florida Panthers In Progress

Updates 9/27/2017

Future Website Patches:

  • Add some more screenshots of code for “Cheetah Amyloidosis”
  • Add chapter summaries of “Tears of a Cheetah” by Stephen O’Brien
    • Start with my favorite – Cheetah
    • Then the Panda
    • Then the Florida Panthers

Prior to 9/27/2017

  • Finish NASA Pages
    • Complete
  • Create Cheetah Amyloidosis Page
    • Complete

Tears of a Cheetah

Thank you oh great Stephen J. O’Brien for this great piece of work. It has been a long time since I fell so deep into a book that I read it cover to back in just a weekend. Highly recommend for those wishing to pursue genetics in exotic animals. Ties in a lot of interesting “mysteries” that have used technology as a medium to answer some questions that would never have been solved before! Some interesting stories…. my favorite was probably the chapter explaining why Cheetahs are so sensitive to conservation methods… they are a bottle necked species!…  10/10.

The only other 10/10 I ever gave was to the “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”




Building this website got me waaaay too excited.


The World’s Most Valuable Resource Is Not Oil… It is Big Data