Badge #19: Feedback

I enjoyed that part of this course included Peer Feedback so we could learn from each other. Below are some examples of feedback I gave to my peers on their teaching segments related to the lessons learning goals and how I was able to give my peers praise as well as some constructive feedback.

“Great Job Susan! I really enjoyed each of the activities you had us go through each one fit well with the others and flowed very nicely. We were able talk through how we could use video in the classroom, but we didn’t really touch on potential hurdles/obstacles to overcome when implementing videos in the classroom which I think could have been a useful conversation”

“I liked the thought experiments of solving some problems, each of your activities had practical relevance to them and were great tools for assessing our knowledge.”

“I really enjoyed the curation research project you had us do and report back to the class on, I understand that this originally was meant to be a small group activity but you made modifications very well once we all got to the classroom.”

“Everything ran smoothly during your segment, you did well laying out your objectives at the very beginning. I thought you presented some very thought provoking information, but did not actively engage us as learners in any type of discussion which could have been very beneficial.”


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