Badge #14: Micro Teaching #1

Cloud Computing

See Badge #5: Synchronous Online Teaching for details about this lesson

I thought this lesson went well, for my first time hosting a class on CarmenConnect. I think we have all learned that we should give ourselves more time to complete activities when we’re teaching a lesson online. I thought I had planned out just the right amount of content, but I did end up going over the allotted time. Each of the activities seemed to be well received by the students. While I was putting together each of the pods I still didn’t really know how to manage them once we went live with the lesson, but for the most part I feel like I was able to figure each of them out. A couple of things I noticed that I didn’t really care for was that the questions don’t stay on the screen during breakouts and that the chats from breakout sessions don’t stay visible when you reconvene. As I reviewed the feedback from my peers on this lesson I was surprised to see comments like, no hiccups when using Connect, Technology was used seamlessly, etc., we are always more critical of our own performances and that is definitely the case with this lesson. I had multiple ‘oh no what should I do now’ moments while I was facilitating the lesson, but I’m glad to see that those thoughts did not come through in my actual teaching. All of my peers were a little too kind in their feedback, they didn’t offer any constructive feedback just praises! I was pleased to see that they enjoyed the lesson and touched base on several of the key elements I tried to incorporate.



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