

[May-19-2023] Congratulations to Dr. Anjun Ma on his promotion to Clinical Assistant Professor! We celebrate his outstanding accomplishments and unwavering dedication to his field.

[May-19-2023] Congratulations to Dr. Qin Ma on his promotion to Full Professor by The Ohio State University! We celebrate his outstanding accomplishments and unwavering dedication to his field.

[May-4-2023] Dr. Jordan Krull had been selected as a Pelotonia Post-Doctoral Scholar through the Pelotonia Scholars Program. Congratulations to Dr. Krull on this achievement!

[Apr-19-2023] The poster “The tumor microbiome associates with features of the tumor microenvironment, treatment outcomes, and histologies; a national collaboration of the exORIEN Consortium” was presented at the 2023 American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting.

[Apr-06-2023] The IOIG team will give a presentation related to the newly published DeepMAPS and single-cell multi-omics data analysis on the ExpIO group meeting.

[Mar-28-2023] Dr. Xiaokui (Molly) Mo has officially joined IOIG. Welcome!

[Mar-22-2023] Our DeepMAPS paper is highlighted by Nature Communications editor, as one of the 50 best papers in the field of Cancer research published at Nature Communications.

[Feb-6-2023] The manuscript “Single-cell biological network inference using a heterogeneous graph transformer” is officially accepted for publication in Nature Communications!

[Jan-25-2023] The manuscript “Computational methods and challenges in analyzing intratumoral microbiome data” has been accepted for publication in Trends in Microbiology! This is the first immuno-oncology-microbiome paper in IOIG.

[Jan-5-2023] Dr. Qin Ma gave an invited presentation “Graph Fourier Transform for tissue module identification from spatial multi-omics” at the Pelotonia Institute for Immuno-Oncology (PIIO) experimental IO group meeting.


[12/05/2022] Three new members, Dr. Jordan Krull, Dr. Hyeongseon (Sammy) Jeon, and Ms. Juan Xie have joined IOIG. Welcome aboard!

[10/20/2022] The manuscript “SUSD2 suppresses CD8+ T cell antitumor immunity by targeting IL-2 receptor signaling” has been published in Nature Immunology!

[10/18/2022] Yuzhou Chang gave an invited talk “Spatial transcriptomics algorithms and the trend of spatial omics” at MWACD 2022 annual meeting.

[08/24/2022] We are pleased to announce that a research paper entitled “Define and visualize pathological architectures of human tissues from spatially resolved transcriptomics using deep learning” has been officially published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.

[08/01/2022] IOIG is now recruiting new members! A Postdoc position and a Consultant 3 position are open to the public. Check here for more information.

[08/01/2022] Dr. Brain Searle has received an outstanding fundable score (8%) for his R21 proposal submitted to NIH/NCI.  This project is proposed for identifying I-O therapeutic protein targets in Glioblastoma that are derived from alternative splicing using genomics and proteomics. Congrats!

[07/27/2022] We are pleased to announce that a research paper entitled “A Bayesian multivariate mixture model for high throughput spatial transcriptomics” has been officially published in Biometrics.

[Jul-29-2022] We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Qin Ma as the Section Chief of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, OSU.

[Jun-17-2022] We are pleased to announce that the Immuno-Oncology Informatics Group (IOIG) is founded today. Dr. Qin Ma is announced as the leader of IOIG. Please check the details here. Cheers!


Pelotonia Institute for Immuno-Oncology