Extending time on quizzes and exams

If you’ve received notice from the university’s Student Life Disabilities Service Office that one or more of your students requires extended time on quizzes and exams, there’s a function for that in CarmenCanvas. The ability to adjust the testing window per student is under Moderate Quiz, though that option only appears after you have published the quiz.

Before you publish the quiz, make sure the quiz has the Available From and Available Until dates that you want. By setting these dates, students cannot access the quiz early even though you’ve published it.

Screen shot of the bottom of the edit quiz page, showing the box for setting due dates, available from date, and available until date.


Once published, you’ll have the option to Moderate This Quiz appear on the far right when you select the quiz. Note, it is not under Edit, it’s just off to the side on the right.

Screen shot of a published quiz. The option to moderate the quiz appears on the far right side.


On the moderate page, you’ll see a list of all enrolled students. Select the pencil icon for the student who needs extra time, and add the additional time in the dialogue box that appears. Note, you just need to add the additional time. In this example all students get 25 minutes, so I’ll add 13 minutes for a 1.5x extension.

Dialogue box that appears when editing extensions for one student. The options are to add additional attempts or to add additional time.

One other note- if your restrict the quiz for all students to only be available from 8AM until 8:25AM on the same day, that restriction will override the extension you’re adding now, and that student will be shut out at 8:25AM without their extra time (ask me how I know 🙃).

Recommended resources


Accessibility checker in CarmenCanvas

Too long; didn’t watch


As you are editing or creating content in CarmenCanvas, there is a built in accessibility checker that can help you check for things like images that are missing alt text or color contrast that’s actually very hard to read. So this is the page that I’m going to work off of. And if I come in here and click on edit, you can see anywhere in Canvas, anywhere in CarmenCanvas that you have the rich content editor, or this up here which appears at the top of a page it appears at the top of an assignment, a discussion, a quiz. Anywhere you see this, you should also have the accessibility checker just below the content itself.

So there’s a two here which lets me know there are two issues on this page that need to be fixed. So if I click on the accessibility checker, it’s going to pop up and tell me what the issue is. It highlights the image in question and says, Hey, this image, the only alt text is the file name, which is not descriptive. So I can change that. I can come in here and I can, for the sake of time, choose the text that I already wrote and put in a description here. This has multiple uses by changing the alt text. Here’s another one that has the file name which doesn’t tell anyone using a screen reader why this image is here or what it’s telling them, or why it matters. So it helps those who are using screen readers, but it also helps those who are having trouble with their internet connection or the image doesn’t load for some reason.

And so now it says, great, no issues were detected. I get balloons and confetti, I can click save. There are no longer accessibility issues. And what’s tricky about this is you don’t see anything different. For a sighted user, the alt text does not appear and that’s fine. That’s as it should be. But for users of screen readers now, it would say “image: screenshot of the page that results from using the undelete function in CarmenCanvas”, which is better. I could probably do better than that, but that’s better than nothing. Or if someone has a really slow internet connection. Or if Canvas is only half working, or who knows what and the image just doesn’t appear, the alt text will display in its place and that tells a sighted user what was supposed to be there and the purpose that it served. So alt text actually helps everybody. In the case of the internet going out or even if it is working, it’s good to have. So good to know. The accessibility checker is there and it will guide you through the changes you need to make.

Revision history in Carmen Pages

Too long; didn’t watch

  • Click the three dots to the right of Edit on any page to restore a previous version of a page.


If ever you make a change to a page in CarmenCanvas and then decide that that is not what you meant to do, there is a revision history where you can go back and revert to a previous version of a page. To the best of my knowledge, this only works on Pages, not on Assignments or Quizzes or Discussions, which is regrettable, but at least it does exist on pages. So I actually want to revert this page. I did, I did another oops. So if you come up here to these three dots just to the right of the edit button, you’ll see View Page History. I’m going to say, you know what? I want to go back to what I did 20 minutes ago because that was better. And so I’ll click on that and I can see the difference in the page. You probably can’t tell, but I know what I did. And then click on Restore this version and it’ll say, “Are you sure?” Yeah, I am sure. And so now I’m back to an earlier version of the page. But notice if you change your mind again, I could switch it back to where it was 30 seconds ago. So it’s a great tool for basically having a version history or a save as of the page that you are building.

Meet anytime option in Zoom

When creating a recurring meeting, Zoom includes a Meet anytime option when you select a recurrence with No Fixed Time. This is an excellent option if you’d like to host office hours or a class session multiple times, but you do not want to see every instance of a recurring meeting in your upcoming meetings list when you login to Zoom.

Why bother with this, when you could just use your personal meeting room?  By hosting a separate recurring meeting for each task or class, you can set different permissions for participants on each call. If you are using Zoom during class, you can also set your Echo360 account to automatically copy all recordings from Zoom, and if they are organized by recurring meeting, you can map Zoom recordings to be organized by class in Echo360.

Whatever your reason, here’s how to create a recurring meeting with No Fixed Time.

  • Sign in to CarmenZoom.
  • In the navigation menu on the left, click Meetings.
  • Click Schedule a Meeting.

Carmen Zoom Meetings page with an arrow pointing to the Schedule a Meeting button

  • Below the Time Zone option, select the check box next to Recurring meeting.
  • Edit the recurrence. Select No Fixed Time option in the Recurrence drop-down menu.

Carmen Zoom schedule a meeting dialogue box with an arrow pointing to the recurring meeting check box. The resulting dropdown is displayed which includes the recurrence options for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, No Fixed Time

  • Click Save.

Carmen Zoom Schedule Meeting dialogue box with an arrow pointing to the Save button.

Accessing OSU Teams when you’re at OSUWMC

Too long; didn’t watch


To work as part of a university team and you are a College of Medicine or medical center user, you’ll need to be added to that team as a guest. So the first step is that the team owner for the OSU team must add you to the team using your medical center email address. Once they’ve done that, you will receive an invitation to the team. It will look something like this that you see here. And with that, you’ll be able to go into Teams. and now up in this top right corner, you can see it’s got my medical center ID, the same image as appears on my badge, and says The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. And if I click here, you’ll see I have two accounts I can now toggle between the med center account and the university guest account.

As I click here on the guest account, you’ll notice as it loads that I don’t actually have any teams for which I am a guest, but I do have some missed activity here. There are some things in the chat that I didn’t know happened. So another thing you can do, that’s how to toggle back and forth is click up here and choose which account you want to see, but other things you can do to help make sure you’re receiving those notifications from the teams for which you are part of. If you come up here and click these three dots you can go to settings and within settings I would suggest going to accounts. You should have both accounts listed here and then if you click these three dots notice, you could also use this to switch accounts. But what I want you to look at is notifications.

If for some reason you have notifications turned off for your guest account, then it’s very easy to miss messages or miss mentions on those university teams. So I would check and make sure that your notifications are turned on for your guest account, and then you can also have Teams notify you in different ways. So if you navigate over to the notifications section, I have set my Teams to email me any time I miss activity as soon as possible. If you click this drop down, you can see you can have notifications set to every hour or once a day. But what this will do is send you an email that basically lets you know you’ve missed something in Teams and you need to go into Teams and see what that was. So with my accounts set so that both accounts are receiving notifications and with my notifications set to email me as soon as possible if I’m not currently logged into Teams, that has helped me stay on top of things.

Another thing you can do if you would like to have your medical center Teams up and working at the same time that you also have your university Teams up and working, you can run two instances of teams by running one in the desktop application, which is what you see here, and running another in a browser. So I’m going to open up Edge. So this is now the browser and because I am working off of my med center owned device, if I go to teams.microsoft.com, it’s going to automatically recognize me as my medical center identity. So you see, it looks substantially the same as the Teams running behind it here. And now I can toggle back and forth and switch back to my university guest account, and now I can have my university guest Teams up and running in this browser window while at the same time I can have my desktop application Teams on the medical center running. So it’s not, strictly speaking, two instances of Teams because one is the desktop application and one is the browser based application. But that is a way that you could sort of access both sides on the same device at the same time.

Creating a course and copying content in CarmenCanvas

This video covers the many steps required to begin getting your courses ready in CarmenCanvas, with a few tips and tricks along the way.

Too long; didn’t watch

Skip ahead to these timestamps or click the links if you prefer written tutorials:

Recommended reading

Mediasite to Echo360 Migration

The College of Medicine is moving to Echo360 for video hosting, you can find full details from the Office of Curriculum and Scholarship.

The short version is, download and save a copy of the Mediasite Video Inventory Excel file, fill it out, and email it to OCS@osumc.edu when you’re done.

Read through for more information or jump to:

Getting started

1. Download and save a copy of the Mediasite Video Inventory Excel file. Change the file name by adding the your last name (e.g., “Mediasite Video Inventory for Migration_Rusnak”) and save.

2. Open the file, click to Enable Editing, and the move to the Instructor tab

Screen shot of the Excel workbook with circles around the text "Enable Editing" and "Instructor"


3. There are drop-downs for both Department and Program. If you teach in more than one program, just choose one for this page. After completing the Instructor information, return to the Videos tab.

Screen shot of the Excel workbook showing the drop-down options for Department


4. On the Videos tab, fill out row three for your first video.  Course Code is the abbreviation and Course Title is the full name of the course as listed on the registrar. If you’re uncertain of either, you can check this information at classes.osu.edu. For Term, the spreadsheet is asking during which term this course will be taught next.  Select the correct term from the drop-down, then select whether course is taught in Carmen, also a drop-down.

Screen shot of the videos tab highlighting the drop-down features of specific cells


5. Once you have the first four columns complete, you can save yourself some time by copying down the course code, name, term, and Carmen status. For example, I have dozens of videos in HTHRHSC 5900.  Rather than answer these questions for each video, I’m going to copy-down or fill-down this information.  Starting with the cells you wish to copy, highlight the cells where the data should be copied.  In this case, I’m going to copy the contents of cells A3-D3 into every cell down to A23-D23:

Excel spreadsheet with specific cells highlighted, and the text "select cells then press Ctrl + D


6. The result appears with identical information in each row. Repeat this process as many times as needed, or each time you begin listing videos for a different course.

Excel spreadsheet showing the result of the fill down shortcut

Finding video titles and links in Mediasite

If you prefer video tutorials, here’s a step by step video for finding videos in Mediasite.

1. If you know which videos in your Mediasite catalog you need to migrate, login to Mediasite and navigate to the page with the videos you need.  Here is one way to find the titles and URLs (links) to each video, without leaving the page on Mediasite.  First, the Title of Video is the first line in the description to the right of the video thumbnail. To get the Video URL, click on the View button at the bottom of the video’s info:

Mediasite page with arrows pointing to the video title and the view button.


2. In the resulting window, copy the link text from the URL bar. You can use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C on Windows or Cmd + C on Mac) or right click and select Copy.

Mediasite page with the URL bar highlighted and the right click context menu shown.


3. Paste the video title and URL into the spreadsheet, and save the file. If you haven’t already, be sure to rename the file to include your last name at the end.

Excel spreadsheet with the first row complete and the filename specified

4. When finished, email the completed spreadsheet to OCS@osumc.edu

Finding video titles and links in your Carmen course

If you prefer videos, here’s a step by step video for finding videos in Carmen.

It may be easier to find your active videos by going through the pages of the most recent instance of your course in Carmen.  Here’s how to find the video titles and links for videos embedded in a Carmen course.

1. Navigate to a page with an embedded video, and wait a few moments for the videos to load. Once the video preview appears, you’ll see the Video Title in the bottom left corner of the frame:

Carmen course page with an arrow pointing to the video title


2. Though you cannot copy the video title that appears on this screen, you can type this information into the Excel spreadsheet.  To find the URL for this video, begin playing the video and click on the Pop Out icon in the bottom right corner:

Carmen course page with a circle around the pop out icon on the video


3. In the resulting window, copy the link text from the URL bar. You can use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C on Windows or Cmd + C on Mac) or right click and select Copy.

Pop up window of the video with the URL bar highlighted

4. Paste the video title and URL into the spreadsheet, and save the file. If you haven’t already, be sure to rename the file to include your last name at the end.

5. If instead of embedding videos in your course, you have the URLs to the videos in your course, simply copy the URL and paste into the spreadsheet.  In this case however you may need to open the videos to find the video title, which appears in the bottom left before the video is played.

6. When finished, email the completed spreadsheet to OCS@osumc.edu

Getting started with Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a survey tool provided by the university, and you have undoubtedly filled out a Qualtrics survey at some point. You can use this service to:

  • Create an interactive syllabus
  • Poll students/participants
  • Collect feedback following a presentation
  • Collect data for research
  • Register attendees for an event
  • Anything you might use a form for, or any data that you might want organized in a spreadsheet

For users within The College of Medicine, there are a few checks to complete to ensure that what you plan to do falls within the security standards of the university and the medical center. Here are the steps to complete before you begin the survey:

  1. Establish a default account through http://osu.qualtrics.com. You must set this up with your lastname.# account, not your Medical Center username.
  2. Complete the Institutional Data Policy training on BuckeyeLearn and save a PDF copy of your certificate to upload to the request form.

If you do not have the certificate, please follow these instructions:

Go to Buckeye Learn –> My Transcript

Default page for BuckeyeLearn with MyTranscript in focus


Change the default setting of Active to Completed

BuckeyeLearn transcript page with status in focus

Search for Institutional Data Policy–>click the down arrow to the right of View Certificate–>select View Certificate

BuckeyeLearn transcript screenshot with view certificate in focus

This will generate the single certificate that indicates all three sections of the eLearning were completed.


Tips for grading in CarmenCanvas

Here are a few tips for making grading just a little bit easier inside CarmenCanvas.  Note, these tips are most helpful when you’ve already completed assignment and gradebook setup, preferably at the start of a course.

Mark a student as excused

There are two ways to mark an assignment as excused.

  1. If the assignment is graded Complete/Incomplete, select Excused from the drop down.
  2. If instead the assignment is graded for points, type EX in the points box and Canvas will automatically mark the assignment as excused.

Per Canvas, “Excused assignments are not calculated as part of a student’s total grade. When an assignment is excused, the assignment page and the student grade page will show the student that he or she has been excused from the assignment. Students cannot submit excused assignments.”

Group assignments

Group assignments can be wonderful for collaboration, and help cut down on time spent grading. Sometimes group projects don’t quite go as planned, but you can still change an already published group project to be graded individually.

Drop lowest grade

If you have put assignments or quizzes in groups, you can create a rule to drop the lowest grade within that group.

Set default grade

Did you leave your students’ assignments on the seatback of the seat in front of you on the airplane, and you need to give everyone full credit for the assignment? (Yes, I did that, and yes, it was years ago) You can set the default grade for all ungraded submissions for an assignment.

Review grades with a student

Would you like to go over a student’s grades with them while on a Zoom call, and pull just their grades up on the screen? Or do you have a student who needs help viewing their own grades?

Have another issue?

Here is every how-do-I article about grades that has been published by Canvas, and below is an 80 minute training from the Office of Distance Education and eLearning that covers the following:

  • How to use CarmenCanvas to grade various types of assignments and exams
  • The efficiencies of Speedgrader and Quiz settings for providing feedback on student work
  • Best practices for creating effective rubrics for assignments
  • Use of the Carmen Rubric tool
  • Managing the Gradebook effectively
  • Identifying additional resources on grading