Wave 1 Learning Collaboratives

Grant Writing Approaches for Community Coalitions Short Courses 1-3

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Facilitated Discussions to:
    • Identify appropriate grant opportunities
    •  List the elements of a competitive grant proposal
    • Comprehend strategies used to successfully implement a funded project

Grant Writing Series Events 1-5

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Moderated Panel Discussions to:
    • Identify appropriate grant opportunities
    • List the elements of a competitive grant proposal
    • Comprehend strategies used to successfully implement a funded project
    • Identify considerations for program execution
    • Describe methods to define a problem
    • Identify resources that support a solution
    • Describe components of the Population, Intervention, Comparison group, Outcomes, and Timeline (PICOT) method
    • Identify components of a quality report submission
    • Develop a viable work plan

Capacity Building: Sustaining impact through 501c3 Status Events 1 and 2

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Facilitated Discussions to:
    • Identify the role of 501c3 status in program sustainability
    • Identify considerations and restrictions associated with 501c3 status
    • Identify the process to submit an application for 501c3 status
    • Identify ongoing requirements/compliance/responsibilities associated with 501c3 status
    • Identify examples of non-profit governance
    • Identify examples of non-profit leadership structures
    • Identify examples of fundraising opportunities for non-profits

Voices of Recovery Housing

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Facilitated Discussions to:
    • Identify levels of support in recovery housing
    • Identify forms of recovery planning
    • Identify examples of benefits of recovery housing
    • Identify examples of barriers to accessing recovery housing
    • Identify expectations of accessing recovery housing
    • Identify potential outcomes of recovery housing

Advocacy from the Community Learning Collaborative: Approaches to advocate for and within Black communities in Ohio in the substance use disorder crisis

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Moderated Panel Discussion to:
    • Identify the historical context of different responses to addiction
    • Identify the historical context of the role of the criminal justice system
    • Describe factors to consider when connecting with different sectors of a community
    • Describe communication strategies to connect within a community
    • Describe the use of data to illustrate a circumstance within a community
    • Describe differences in access to resources (e.g., treatment, prevention) within a community

Innovative Partnerships: Community and Criminal Justice Coalitions across HCS Ohio Wave 1 Counties

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Moderated Panel Discussion to:
    • Identify steps in the process of developing coalitions among multiple community partners
    • Identify community characteristics that can be leveraged to address community needs
    • Identify factors of successful leadership and communication for addressing stigma
    • Cuyahoga, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Lucas – Counties participated

Applying Motivational interviewing techniques to clients, colleagues, and agencies

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Active Learning Workshops to:
    • Identify the stage of readiness for behavior change of individuals and organizations
    • Develop an ongoing treatment or working plan to help continue to interact in a helpful and meaningful way across the continuum of readiness for change
    • Interact effectively with clients, community members, and coalition partners

Data Odyssey – How to find, understand, and act on data

  • Learning Objectives: Presentations and Moderated panel discussion to:
    • Recognizing and identifying different types of data
    • Interpreting how data fit the community need
    • Describing how data became actionable