Practice Materials

In this section, you can find materials that share findings from the HEALing Communities Study. Click on the links below or use the side menus to navigate to different pages.

Practice Guides – Developed by the national HCS team to summarize community engagement and ORCCA best practices.

How-to Guides & Success Stories – Developed by the Ohio team to share guidelines for implementation of study strategies and successes from HCS communities.

HCS Ohio team members are meeting with groups across the state who are interested in learning more about the HEALing Communities Study. Our presentations share information and findings from the study, share key lessons learned and guidelines for implementation, and provide connections to agencies and communities involved in HCS. Presentations are customized to fit audience interest. View the map and table below to see where we have been and plan to go!

To schedule a dissemination presentation for your agency, organization, or community group, please email

Statewide EventsCompleted/Scheduled Number of Attendees 
Ohio Public Health Conference Completed 30 
Implementation of Mobile Medical Units for the Delivery of Addiction Services in Ohio Webinar Completed  216 
Ohio Justice-Involved Workforce Opportunities Committee Completed 34 
Ohio Recovery Housing Completed4
Ohio Citizen Advocates for Addiction Recovery (OCAAR) Completed 14
Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Trauma-Informed Care Committee Completed 26
Ohio State University Extension Community Staff MeetingCompleted9
Ohio State University Extension ConferenceCompletedNot Recorded
Ohio State University Extension Family Consumer Sciences EducatorsCompleted28
Tips for Engaging Coalitions to Respond to the Opioid Crisis: Lessons Learned from the HEALing Communities Study WebinarCompleted257