![NIH HEAL Initiative Logo](https://u.osu.edu/hcsohio/files/2024/01/HEAL_Initiative-Mark_RGB_HCSOH-6-fd33aa2793e19d0d.png)
Welcome to the Ohio HEALing Communities Study dissemination website!
The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) was a research study in four states (Ohio, Kentucky, New York, and Massachusetts) with the goal of reducing opioid overdose deaths. Additional study goals included increasing overdose education and naloxone distribution, increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder, and increasing safer opioid prescribing and dispensing practices. While the study intervention ended in December of 2023, our team and community partners have assembled a repository of resources for dissemination.
To read more about the outcomes in Ohio: Legacy of federal opioid intervention: communities equipped to act
We invite you to browse our website and stay as long as you wish. If you have questions or concerns about anything you see here, please contact healingcommunities@osu.edu. Thank you!
A Welcome Message from OSU Principal Investigator, Bridget Freisthler, PhD