Call for entries for the 2021 Ether Arts Magazine

The Ohio State University

The Humanism in Medicine Student Writers Group

Ether Arts Magazine

Call for Entries
Entries are due by December 31
Ether Arts 2021 is now open for submissions! Ether Arts, part of Humanism in Medicine since 2013, is the literary and visual arts magazine published by OSUCOM. Poetry, prose, photography, and visual art on all subject matter, medical or otherwise, are welcome. The deadline for submissions will be December 31, 2020.

Click here to submit your work
Alternatively, you may email your submission to and include your name, email, affiliation, submission title.
View the 2020 issue of Ether Arts Magazine

This initiative is part of the Linda C. Stone, MD, Program for Humanism & the Arts in Medicine and is supported by grants from the Ohio State University College of Medicine, the OSU College of Medicine Alumni Society, the Wexner Medical Center Service Board and generous donors to the Medicine and the Arts Fund with the OSU Foundation.

© 2020 | Humanism in Medicine
49 Meiling Hall, 370 W 9th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
Medicine and the Arts
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