Meal Planning Event Offered

Learn to Meal Plan Like a Pro

Does the thought of meal planning make you squirm? Or make you giddy with delight? Or hopeful for the future? Ohio State Integrative Medicine will host “Meal Planning Beginner to Pro” Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 5:30–6:30 p.m. at Outpatient Care Upper Arlington, room 1400. Join Ohio State’s Lori Chong, RD, dietitian and nutritionist, to learn how to get food on the table without agonizing over it and without giving up and ordering a pizza or pouring a bowl of dry cereal instead. The cost is $20.
» Register to attend.

Free mindfulness-based stress reduction program

The Mindfulness Clinic in the Psychological Services Center at the Department of Psychology is offering a free eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention. Intervention classes will be conducted by doctoral students in clinical psychology and supervised by Ruchika Prakash. Weekly group classes offered Wednesdays from 12:30-3 p.m. and Thursdays 3-5 p.m. A four-hour retreat will be Nov. 10.
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Welcome back!

As we get into the swing of the new academic year, it is important to remember the impact that physical activity has on our overall well-being.

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, we should be completing a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week. This can be broken down into a more manageable 30 minutes five days a week or increments that are best suited for you. Research shows that being physically active improves quality of life, sleep and overall brain health and decreases our chances for a chronic disease to develop over time. Learn more about how to get physically active.

However, many people are confused about what counts toward those 150 minutes each week. The American College of Sports Medicine recently announced that any duration of physical activity can be associated with overall improved health outcomes. In other words, the more ways we are able to move from our desks, the more we are improving our health.

Here are four ways you can become more active throughout the day without breaking a sweat:

·     Take the stairs instead of the elevator

·     Print to the copier on the next floor

·     10 squats at your desk

·     Dancing to your favorite music

Remember, some exercise is better than no exercise. Let’s make this school year the healthiest year in Buckeye Nation!