A Message from the Chief Wellness Officer

 Hello everyone,
February is American Heart Month. While we send valentines to those we love, it’s also a great time to highlight the importance of understanding heart health strategies to keep our own hearts strong, not just for ourselves, but for all the people for whom we care about. I encourage you to join us and the Million Hearts® initiative this month in its mission to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases and prevent one million heart attacks and strokes.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the #1 killer of both American men and women. Every year, more than 790,000 Americans have a heart attack episode; almost 75% of those are first-time sufferers. The good news is that more than 80% of all CVD is preventable. Read more about the signs and symptoms of heart disease here.
Follow these tips to prevent heart disease this month:
  • Ask your provider for a heart screening.
  • Exercise 30 minutes a day at least five days a week.
  • Eat five fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Take a few minutes of time out for stress relief when you start to feel tense; refer to our JustBreathe website.
  • Avoid tobacco.
Over the next month, encourage your colleagues to attend one of the biometric screenings, educational programs and/or heart related events around campus to become proactive towards CVD management. View more about heart month at Ohio State.
I wish you all a happy, healthy 2019, with hearts free of disease and full of joy.
Warm and well regards,
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN
Vice President for Health Promotion
University Chief Wellness Officer
Dean and Professor, College of Nursing
Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, College of Medicine

Resiliency Workshop Series for Faculty and Staff

With the fast pace of today’s culture it can be difficult to navigate situations throughout life and successfully manage the stress associated.  Resilience is the cornerstones of skills needed to guide you through tough changes and growth, to prosperity. Join us for a workshop to learn some valuable information on how to increase your personal and professional resilience. Healthy snacks provided and feel free to bring your lunch.

Resiliency Workshop Series for Faculty and Staff in the College of Pharmacy

Jodie Leister, MS, Ed, LPCC-S, CEAP
Employee Assistance Program


February 12 – Session 1 – Resiliency Overview
March 5 – Session 2 – Emotional Intelligence
April 9 – Session 3 – Mindfulness
May 14 – Session 4 – Finding Purpose and Meaning / Goal Setting

All sessions will be at 11:30 am in Parks Hall, 500 W. 12th Ave, Room 157

Can’t attend? All sessions will be recorded and linked to the college’s wellness blog, u.osu.edu/HappyHealthyYou/.