The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Orthodoxy in America

For his second broadcast Panayiotis discusses some history of the Orthodox Church, its origins in North America, and his personal experience with the Faith and the story of a modern day saint. Featured is an interview with his Theio, George Kefalas. He was a former captain in the Greek Navy and worked on merchant ships for many years. He came to America in 1973 and raised and supported his family by working for General Motors. Throughout his life he has had a very close relationship with Orthodoxy and this is a chance to hear his experiences.

Here is the script, and here are the interview questions.

Here is the outline of the broadcast:

Intro and History (0:45-4:53)

Saint Herman of Alaska (4:53-7:53)

Monasticism and Geronta Ephraim of Arizona (7:53-18:28)

George Kefalas Interview (18:28-35:07)

Closing Remarks (35:07-35:36)