Summer Course 2023: Modern Greek for Classicists

A one-week summer immersion course in Athens, Greece, with distinguished specialist faculty, with financial support from the University of Ljubljana

From July 3-8, 2023, Professor Brian Joseph of the Ohio State University and Professor Jerneja Kavčič of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are offering a one-week introduction to the Modern Greek language directed to graduate and undergraduate students of the Classical Languages. The class is free for qualified students, including tuition fees, lodging, and breakfasts, although students are responsible for paying their own transportation expenses, lunch/evening meals (except for Thursday evening), and museum entrance costs (discounted with student identification). Interested students should contact Dr Christopher Brown at

Information on course faculty can be found here:

Classes will be held in room 101 (first floor) of the Department of Communications and Media Studies in the Grypareio Megaro at Sophocleous 1, 10559 Athens..

Please find the complete and current programat this link.

Monday, July 3

9.00 Welcome

9.15 – 10.00 Introductory lecture: Brian Joseph and Jerneja Kavčič: Modern Greek for Classicists:  Goals and Methods

Coffee break

10.15 – 11.45 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

Lunch break

14.30 visit to the Acropolis museum


Tuesday, July 4

Morning: Acropolis and surroundings

Lunch break

16.00 – 17.30 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

17.45‒19.15 Lecture: Brian Joseph: 3500 Years of Greek Phonology: An overview of key developments


Wednesday, July 5

9.00‒10.30 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

10.40‒12.10 Lecture: Greek diglossia (Professor Spiros Moschonas, University of Athens)

Coffee break

12.30‒13.30 Lecture: Brian Joseph: Modern Greek as a Balkan Language

Lunch Break

14.30 free afternoon/optional: Archeological museum of Athens


Thursday, July 6

9.00‒10.30 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

10.40‒12.10 Lecture: Michalis Marinis: Diachronic change in the nominal inflexion from Ancient Greek to Modern Greek

Coffee break

12.30‒13.30 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

Lunch break

17.45 Panathenaic Stadium and dinner in a local taverna


Friday, July 7

9.00‒10.00 Modern Greek language (Jerneja Kavčič)

10.10 Schliemann’s house and the paintings of Jurij Šubic: presentation by students of Greek from the University of Ljubljana

18.00‒19.30 Modern Greek: conversation with a native speaker

Student accommodations: