The value of Modern Greek for the student of the Ancient language is attested by many classicists who have studied the modern language, and was a favorite theme of Albert Thumb, Nicholas Bachtin, and George Thomson among others. The same can be said in reverse–some knowledge of Ancient Greek can be helpful to students–and teachers–of the modern language.
Several Classics Departments in the USA offer Modern Greek language instruction; this website raises issues and provides resources helpful to those teaching Modern Greek to students familiar with the ancient language, even to teachers with little or no knowledge of Ancient Greek. Readers are encouraged to raise questions and share their own experiences working with students and faculty with backgrounds in Classics. This approach may help both Classicists and Modern Greek instructors to see the value of the Modern and Ancient languages respectively, and foster integration of Modern Greek Studies in Classics Departments.
This website has been created by philologists and linguists at Ohio State University and the University of Ljubljana; it was first presented at the 8th Biennial MGSA Pedagogy Workshop at Columbia University, NYC, on November 3, 2018. We solicit suggestions, contributions, questions, and criticism from all readers. Suggestions of links and bibliography are especially welcome. Please add comments to the blog or contact the administrators by email at