Module 7: Maintaining Motivation

Module 7: Reflection

       Module seven was by far my favorite module out of them all. Throughout this module we learned about ways to stay concentrated and stay motivated to continuously do your homework and study. For me specifically, finding a quiet place to do my homework is crucial. I simply can not do my homework, read, or study if people around me are talking and being annoying. If you are a student and you have a ton of homework to get done, just get away from everybody and get in the zone. I didn’t necessarily learn anything new in this module, it was just full of good reminders to help stay focused. For example, in the Youtube video on slide 14, it talked about how your mind can focus more if your study area is clean and organized. Another great tip from the video for myself and other students is to put your thoughts on paper. This is effective because as you start thinking of something important, you don’t wanna forget about it. This way you could circle back to that idea and branch off from there. Something from this module that I’m excited to start using is background music while I am studying. This helps block out other distractions and helps you get in the zone. If you are a high school student going into college, I really recommend using these tips to elevate your studying game.




Slide 8 on lesson-module-7