Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

Module 5: Review

      Module five was overall a great lesson that was targeted for upcoming college students who are new to college classrooms. I really enjoyed this lesson because it gives you a brief rundown of the demands in a college classroom, which I have never been in before. The most informing thing I learned throughout the entire lesson was on slide twelve when I read about active listening. A lot of times when I am in a class I find myself drifting off, and not actually attaining the information being fed to me. Now I will try to keep my focus on the main idea of the topic, and to try to anticipate what information will be told next. This is a good little trick because instead of just sitting there mindlessly listening, you are keeping your mind sharp, constantly thinking about what is next. It’s a very simple correction to your listening skills, but I feel like it will be very effective for me, and other upcoming college students. Onto of this, the module also covered which type of note taking is the most effective. I have always been a paper and pencil type of guy, but as I start college classes I may need to switch over to computer notes. As more information is going to be fed to me, I think that I will start typing out my notes so I don’t miss anything. I recommend other students to start typing out your notes because it is a lot quicker that writing everything down.