

The Food Waste Challenge is a challenge that starts Tuesday, April 11th and culminates on Earth Day (Saturday, April 22nd). We encourage everyone to get out and volunteer on Earth Day (hint: that may be one of the challenges!) The first challenge will be posted on Tuesday, April 11th at 8:00 AM in the Challenges tab, and each daily challenge after that will be posted the next day at 8:00 AM also. These challenges vary from educational to proactive. The first challenge will provide more knowledge about food waste, and the subsequent challenges will allow you to act on this knowledge. A challenge can be worth up to 3 points, and is graded by the organization who created it. At the end of the Food Waste Challenge, the ten people with the most points will receive prize packages (see the welcome post for examples of prizes). For challenges where you submit on social media, please use the hashtag #osufoodwastechallenge so we can easily sort through the submissions. For challenges where there is no social media submission, please send submissions to frnosu@gmail.com. All challenges are optional, and you do not need to complete all of them to be eligible for prizes.


The Sustainability Council is a collection of student organizations that are focused on improving Ohio State on an environmental and social level. Multiple Council organizations will hold a daily challenge that highlights a food waste issue that is related to their club’s core interests.

Student Sustainability Council