Web-enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

This most important topic I have learned from module four is about memory. I have always been able to remember a lot of different things. I always felt like a had a photographic memory because even after seeing it once I could usually recall where an item was in a room. I think memory is most important to me because it is very hard to study and read through all of the material for the class. So I like to write out flash cards to help me. I would write it out in my own words so I better understood it, then would study them on repeat for many days in a row. I would work with a study buddy to often.


So at this point I have already done some of the suggested study strategies that were named in this module. When it came to test time though, I could not remember half of what I had studied over and over again. I knew the material studying but when it came time for testing I only knew the easier words or definitions. I believe this is because I had studied for hours without breaks and I had done it daily. I did not give myself time to process material and let it move it’s way into my long term memory. In the future I will try out the 5-box method described in one of the videos. I feel this will help me give myself time to remember the trickier terms and overall be more helpful when it comes time to take an exam.

To future students, I highly suggest the exercising to stimulate the brain. I have done this today actually trying out this method. I took about a 20 minute jog on the treadmill then went to do some homework. I was amazed how much easier this weekly assignments were. I have been more creative and I actually have decreased the amount of time it usually takes me to complete my weekly assignments. I also, tested out the theory of taking a nap to produce those chemicals in the brain that help with performance. I too, think this was helpful mainly because I had read a few chapters of my book and while I was sleeping I was actually dreaming of some of the topics. I woke up remembering the majority of what I had read whereas on a day without a nap after I do not remember much maybe a topic or two from my reading.


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