In this project, I chose a 2D shape of my creation and translated it into 3D. In addition, manipulating the surfaces of the 3D shape using hand-drawn illustrations that trick the mind and create the illusion of depth using perspective and implying light with shading. The end result is a template that anybody can cut from paper and form into a 3D shape of my design in addition to the basic shape and an altered version complete with the aforementioned illusion drawings. With this project, I intended to create a solid 3D shape that expanded into this dimension, beyond what my 2D shape was capable of.
This project really challenged my craft abilities and showed me where I need to get better. Most important of all, I need to give myself time. I procrastinated a lot during this project just because of the sheer tedium of making the same shape over and over and it definitely winded me toward the end. I think that for as much trouble as I put myself through with this shape, it turned out a way I know could be better, but I’m still happy with it. I know I definitely could’ve explored more in solidifying my shape. I feel that I had a good idea in building little attachments and stuff to experiment with but I feel my shape could’ve been explored much further than I did. Overall, my precision in cutting and exploration of forms should be considered more next time.