Electro Sensory and Turbidity: American Paddlefish’s Decline and Outlook

Polyodon spathula

Figure 1: American Paddlefish (image courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)


The American Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) or spoonbill as they are often referred to due to their paddlelike snout, is a large and ancient fish that has survived relatively unchanged since the late cretaceous period around 68 million years ago when dinosaurs walked the earth. They can be found throughout North American in the Mississippi River Basin. While they are a protected and rare state threatened species in Ohio, they are found most commonly in Ohio River tributaries downstream of the first dams; particularly in the Scioto River south of Columbus (Rice and Zimmerman 2019). In Ohio, they can grow to a maximum size of 5′ and 184lbs, however fish ranging from 2-4′ and around 20-30lbs are much more common (Rice and Zimmerman 2019). The cause for their decline was attributed to increased turbidity, or suspended particles like clay and silt, and being cutoff from suitable spawning areas to reproduce due to the construction of dams (Rice and Zimmerman 2019). In order to understand why turbidity has impacted these fish so much and why their populations are beginning to rebound as water quality improvements t0 the rivers has been made, you must first understand how they feed.

Filter Feeding:

Despite their massive size and tough exterior, these fish are filter feeders that prey mostly on small plankton crustaceans, which are small organisms that float freely in the water. You may be wondering how it is possible for the paddlefish to eat enough of these organisms to grow to such a large size. Luckily for the paddlefish, they are excellent filter feeders like Humpback Whales. Having been described by early naturalists as “A living plankton net” these fish have hundreds of gill rakers that form a tight mesh that collects plankton as they swim around with their large gaping mouths open as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Paddlefish gill rakers (Courtesy of John Lyons of Virigina Tech)

But what purpose does the paddle serve?


The paddle or rostrum was once thought to have been used to dig through the stream substrate foraging for food, but research has proven that it is actually an electro sensory organ covered in sensory pores (Figure 3) used by the paddlefish to detect the weak electrical currents plankton give off (Wilkens and Hofmann 2007). In a study published in 2007, researchers ran feeding experiments on juvenile paddlefish where they placed the paddlefish in dark tanks and witnessed them able to seek out single small crustaceans that were placed in the tank (Wilkens and Hofmann 2007). They also noted that they would avoid metallic objects in the tank, even in the dark, as this likely interfered with their perception of electrical currents which may also hint at a further impact locks and dams could have on paddlefish by disrupting their ability to navigate rivers and access spawning habitat after dams were constructed (Wilkens and Hofmann 2007). If paddlefish can locate food even in the dark or muddy waters, then why has increased turbidity impacted them so much?

Figure 3: Paddlefish rostrum and closeup of electro sensory pores (Helfman et al. 2007)


The issue with increased turbidity is largely due to their ability to finely filter feed. Some studies have shown that 50% of the gut content of some paddlefish was detritus (decomposing organic material like small leaves) and sand (Pyron et al 2019). Under highly turbid conditions, paddlefish gill rakers may become clogged with materials that are suspended in the water, making them unable to filter feed plankton effectively. In addition to not being able to filter feed as effectively, other studies have linked high turbidity to reduced growth of plankton species (Kirk and Gilbert 1990). Despite the paddlefish’s ability to find food solely using electroreception, they’d still struggle to find food as plankton growth can be reduced, leaving them less food in water with high turbidity.


At present, water quality in Ohio has been steadily improving after legislation like the Clean Water Act in 1972 and many fish species have since begun to bounce back after having been impacted by habitat and water quality degradation (Pyron et al 2019). As water quality continues to improve and many old and outdated dams are removed; granting these fish access to places to spawn, we can be hopeful that conservation efforts to protect this ancient Ohio fish will be successful and future paddlefish will be free to filter feed all they want.



Helfman, G., Collette, B. B., Facey, D. E., & Bowen, B. W. (2009). The diversity of fishes: biology, evolution, and ecology. John Wiley & Sons.

Kirk, K. L., & Gilbert, J. J. (1990). Suspended clay and the population dynamics of planktonic rotifers and cladocerans. Ecology71(5), 1741-1755. Lon A. Wilkens, Michael H. Hofmann, The Paddlefish Rostrum as an Electrosensory Organ: A Novel Adaptation for Plankton Feeding, BioScience, Volume 57, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 399–407.

Pyron, M., Mims, M. C., Minder, M. M., Shields, R. C., Chodkowski, N., & Artz, C. C. (2019). Long-term fish assemblages of the Ohio River: Altered trophic and life history strategies with hydrologic alterations and land use modifications. Plos one14(4), e0211848.

Rice, D. L., Zimmerman, B.. (2019). A naturalist’s guide to the fishes of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey.


Rainbow Darters Showcase Harmful Impacts of Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge

Figure 1: A male Rainbow Darter in full spawning color captured in Indiana. Photo courtesy of Jarret Maurer (@Indianaspeciesfishing)

What is a Rainbow Darter?

The Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) is a small, fantastically colored freshwater fish that can be found throughout the state of Ohio and much of the Midwest. One of the most common darters in the state, they can be found living in riffles, which are the shallow rocky stretches of a river or stream. While the females are a somewhat muted color, the vibrant reds and blues the males boast throughout the breeding season are enjoyed by many naturalists who sweep the riffles with nets to find them (Figure 1). While darters like the Rainbow Darter are enjoyed by many people as a sight to behold, they also serve an important role in monitoring the health and quality of our waterways. They are considered to be sensitive to water pollution, so it’s important to listen to what they are saying about the health of our water by monitoring their populations (Simon and Evans, 2017). One water pollution source that darters can tell us about is wastewater treatment plants.

What does it have to do with Wastewater Plants?

Ever wonder what happens to all the water we use before it goes back into our rivers and oceans? In cities, that water often runs through a wastewater treatment plant that filters and treats the water to remove much of the harmful substances in it. While our city, state, and national regulations try to limit the impact wastewater has on the ecosystem by setting quality standards for the treated water that is released, pollutants like nitrogen, phosphorus, or less studied pollutants like pharmaceuticals (trace amounts of medicines in water) still have the potential to harm the ecosystem so monitoring of these sensitive fish is necessary to help us be more conscious of the impacts we have on our country’s waterways (Deblonde et al 2011). Researchers in Southwestern Ontario working on the Grand River are doing just that.

They collected Rainbow Darters from locations above and below wastewater treatment plant effluents and found some noteworthy differences. First they found that male and female Rainbow Darters collected downstream from the treated effluent water  had higher oxygen consumption rates (Mehdi et al 2018). You might remember aerobic respiration from your biology courses in school. That’s the process where organisms like people (or a fish in this instance) take the oxygen they breath with their lungs or gills and use it to breakdown the food they eat in order to produce the energy they need to live their lives. The issue with Rainbow Darters having increased oxygen consumption rates has to do with where they live. The air we breath is made up of around 21% oxygen whereas the water that runs through our darter’s gills has around 1% the amount of oxygen dissolved in it for aquatic organisms to use.

The second observation these researchers studied was that the gills the darters use to breath had a different morphology or structure depending on where they were found. They observed that fish found below the treatment water had damaged or modified gills when compared to fish found above the wastewater treatment plants (Hodgson et al 2020). While the fish were still in good health, the damaged gills would still be less effective at collecting oxygen as less of the gills are exposed to water for collecting oxygen (Hodgson et al 2020). Less effective gill structures, in combination with a higher oxygen consumption rate, demonstrates a real threat for those darters living downstream from wastewater plants.

What does this mean?

These two studies suggest that Rainbow Darters living downstream from wastewater plants could suffer if water quality worsens as they may not be able to breathe enough oxygen to survive if water quality continues to degrade. While these studies primarily focused on Rainbow Darters, there are dozens of other species of darters that can be monitored to assess water quality. By monitoring darter populations above and below wastewater treatment sites, we can better understand what pollutants we are releasing and what impacts they have on our most sensitive fish species. If we monitor pollution sensitive species like darters, we can catch harmful pollutants early so that we have a chance to treat wastewater more effectively before the larger waterway is impacted. This also has implications for humans as the health impacts of newer pollutants like pharmaceuticals in people are relatively unknown and protecting fish from these and other pollutants is important as many people catch and keep fish from our rivers to eat, which would expose them to these pollutants.


Deblonde T, Cossu-Leguille C, Hartemann P (2011). Emerging pollutants in wastewater: a review of the literature. International journal of hygiene and environmental health214(6), 442-448.

Hodgson R, Bragg L, Dhiyebi HA, Servos MR, Craig PM (2020). Impacts on Metabolism and Gill Physiology of Darter Species (Etheostoma spp.) That Are Attributed to Wastewater Effluent in the Grand River. Applied Sciences10(23), 8364.

Mehdi H, Dickson  H, Bragg LM, Servos MR, Craig PM (2018). Impacts of wastewater treatment plant effluent on energetics and stress response of rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) in the Grand River watershed. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology224, 270-279.

Simon TP, Evans, NT (2017). Environmental quality assessment using stream fishes. In Methods in stream ecology (pp. 319-334). Academic Press.