
Social media is always very concerned about the sex lives of other humans, but what about the sex lives that actually matter? Fish are very important to a majority of ecosystems in this world and their sex lives need to be pristine so that they are able to keep contributing to their ecosystem and this world. Please watch my Snapchat Story below as I go through the physiology of fish reproductive systems, the endocrine system and how synthetic hormones affect the reproductive success of fish populations.


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Kidd KA, Blanchfield PJ, Mills KH, Palace VP, Evans RE, Lazorchak JM, Flick RW (2007) Collapse of a fish population after exposure to a synthetic estrogen. P Natl Acad Sci.104:8897-901.

Randall DJ, Burggren WW, French K, Eckert R. (2002) Eckert animal physiology: mechanisms and adaptations. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, pp 344-348.

Sumpter JP (1995) Feminized responses in fish to environmental estrogens. Toxicol Letters 82/83: 737-742.

Vajda AM, Barber LB, Gray JL, Lopez EM, Woodling JD, Norris DO (2008) Reproductive disruption in fish downstream from an estrogenic wastewater effluent. Environ Sci Technol. 42:3407-14.

Lecture Slides from Applied Vertebrate Physiology, February 27, 2017

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