2-15-17 PR Lab 05

2-15-17  5:30 pm    Progress Report Lab 05

Location: Thompson Library

Objective: To explain what was completed in lab 4 and how it will provide us with the knowledge needed for the AEV model. Also explain what will be happening in lab 5 using the lab manual.

Tasks Completed:

  • Lab 04 analysis
  • Lab 05 overview

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Completion of the model wanted by the team
  • Overall schedule made for the past
  • Complete progress report for next week

Reflection: The team was able complete the progress report through google drive. This is getting to be a fast process for the team because the team is able to understand one another in an appropriate manner allowing them to continue working diligently through the progress reports. The knowledge gained by these labs will all come together towards the end of the labs to conclude the best AEV product that the team can make.